With what you’re doing today are you going to achieve your goal?

With what you’re doing today are you going to achieve your goal?

This was the question I was asked in class on Wednesday. And it made me straighten in my seat immediately and pay attention.

It’s back to study for me. Some of you may recall I took off to Europe last year for 3 months to run the business from over there. This meant deferring the last 4 subjects of my diploma. Which now means, I have 10 weeks to regroup, recap and get my study on to learn an 18 month course in 10 weeks.

This of course, totally overwhelms me and excites me all at the same time.

When it comes to this Kinesiology stuff, I’m a massive nerd. Massive.

But as class started I went into a state of panic. I’ll be totally honest, I haven’t looked at anything study related for months, apart from what I work with in clinic. But then as the day progressed I remembered how much I love it. Class is a space where I get to hear conversations, where I get to learn off those further ahead than me, where I get reminded of how to be the best practitioner for my clients.

So over the weekend my first hours of study began. 

And it was hard. Reading, re-writing, reading more, rewriting over and over… nothing sinking in…

Starting is always the hardest.

We also discussed in class the idea of inertia. It always takes the most amount of strength at the beginning, but with the starting comes the momentum and it’s with this momentum the energy builds so that it eventually feels graceful. 

When the question was asked ‘With what you’re doing today are you going to achieve your goal?’ we then had to write a date we would achieve this goal and then a plan. We had to get clear on what was going to be required in order to reach our goal.

This brought up two things for me.

  1. An immediate no. No was the answer to this question. If I was to keep going the way I was going, that is, TO DO List (every week) – STUDY DIPLOMA!!! and ignoring it, I was not going to be achieving any goals anytime soon.
  2. It was time to man up and get started.

I asked a client during the week this exact question. It made her sit up and pay attention as well. The reality hit home. 

It’s a great question to ask yourself.

Think about yourself a year from now.

What do you want to be experiencing? 

What do you want to be feeling? 

What do you want to be aligned to? 

If you keep doing exactly what you’re doing today, are you going to get there?

Life is all about momentum and this momentum can go in either direction. We have the choice as to which momentum we want to exist within. 

Make proud choices.

Listen to your intuition. Manage your ego and it’s sabotaging voice.

Push yourself. Reach further. Meet your truth. 

Thanks to Arthur Bablis for the inspiration and guidance. (Teacher and Director of The MindBody Co.)