When the planets do their thing – what to do.

My more vulnerable posts are always met with the warmest, most heartfelt responses. They often take the form of, ‘thank you for being brave enough to write about your experience’, or ‘I feel the exact same way, thank you for sharing’, or ‘you seem to be writing directly to me!’. 

I never write or post to get a response. Truly. As I said in my last post, I write to make sense of myself and my world. And with all good intentions I share it to offer a perspective of sorts, so if it resonates you too might choose to see your world a little differently. On that note though, thank you for your responses.

What your emails and texts do demonstrate though, is that we’re all one, we’re all going through the shit together, and for those of us who choose to be conscious in our living more often than not, we tend to really feel the lessons of life.

When the planets do their thing – we feel it. 

When our hormones play havoc – we feel it. 

When we live outside of our authentic selves, when we live in fear – you got it, we feel it. 

That’s not to say those who aren’t living consciously don’t feel it, the difference is, we’re just more painfully aware of it.

And part of what eases this pain, is to be ok with our vulnerability.

For whatever reason – belief systems inherited, programs instilled from birth, society and its expectations, our never ending strive for perfection – we seem to think vulnerability is weak, kinda gross, and not somewhere we wanna go. 

However, for those of us who recognise that growth and evolution is our reason for being here, we know vulnerability is exactly where we need to go.

In that previous post I mentioned I was vulnerable with my nearest and dearest. Doing this two years ago was so hard for me. To admit I wasn’t ok to someone else, to admit I wasn’t strong and perfect – I couldn’t do it. And then I learnt to. Simply by doing it and realising no one was going to leave and abandon me if I wasn’t perfect. In fact they stuck around even more.

This lesson however has evolved and gone a little deeper. This lesson is now about being really vulnerable with myself. Admitting to me, that I’m not ok and that it’s ok to be supported and accept help. That it doesn’t mean you’re failing.

And really, it’s in this admission, that it opens us up to being more compassionate, kinder and just plain nicer to ourselves. Which really, is the whole bloody point. 

I ran a retreat in October of this year. One of the biggest takeaways was just how much people appreciate being ok to be vulnerable with each other. There is such power in people sharing stories and admitting that they struggle with this and that.

We need to know that we’re not alone. 

We need to know that others understand. 

We need to know that at our core, we’re all one. 

Everyone has a story. 

No one (despite how it looks) has their shit together. We are all so far from perfect. And thank f*** for that.

Having just worked through this particular lesson, if you too feel like you need some clarity, some sorta shift around vulnerability and perfection, get in touch. Have a tune up, 30 mins if you like. Whatevs. Just reach out if you need – you’re not alone.

Please know this.

All my love, Clare x

p.s you’ll be amazed at how much clears in just 30 mins too. 

Get in touch.