When the curve ball comes. Do this.

Danielle La Porte’s recent post titled ‘Spiritual practice won’t stop shitty things from happening to you. However’… hit home. I’ve been thinking a lot recently of the difference between when I used to do one off sessions, compared to the regular sessions I now do.

In my experience there are two types of clients. And I’ve been both.

There is the client who does regular sessions, fortnightly, monthly. They use em as PT for their mind and emotions.

The other comes for the one off awareness. The quick fix. The re-calibration.

In my mind, both are necessary. Totally necessary and totally ok.

But over time I’ve become a big believer in the power of consistency. 

I remember years ago a colleague of mine was having dramas with a mate of hers. She went to see a counsellor about it. The counsellor identified that the reason she was so triggered by this mate was because the friendship lacked consistency. It was unpredictable. As a result she never knew where she stood. She didn’t dig this. 

As humans, we respond well to consistency. And this spiritual work we’re doing, for us to reap the full benefits there needs to be a level of regularity.

Consistency with our gratitudes. Our yoga. Our mediation. Our sessions. Whatever it is that works for us.

We’re building a muscle, a spiritual muscle. And like any muscle it requires consistency in order to strengthen. 

But that’s the thing, often we stop doing these things because life throws us a curve ball. Makes us wonder, ‘what’s the freakin point’? The baby hasn’t come yet. The husband in his shining armour is still on his way. Our parents get ill, our tax bill comes in and throws all our savings out the window, we have a car accident. We fall out with a mate. 

Shitty things do happen. All the time.

But the stronger this muscle is, the easier it is to not only bounce back, but also learn and move through the experience with grace. Cause that’s the thing, every experience, every single one, is a manifestation of our soul’s journey. Take a moment for this to sink in.

Without the regularity of doing what we know serves us, life feels much harder. The choice is ours.

It’s just something to keep in mind.

Like I said, like Danielle said, shitty things do happen, can happen, will happen. And don’t be scared by this. Keep up the work and if and when the shitty thing does happen, you’ll move through it differently. 

Take a moment to look back on your story.

Have you learnt to respond differently over time? 

Are there things you now do that you didn’t use to? 

Can you credit these for making life more graceful?

Check in. Be curious. Might be time to bring some things back into play.

All my love x