What’s YOUR Truth, Not Society’s, YOURS?
What does your truth look like?
This post has been brewing for weeks now. Months even.
First though, I need to divulge a few things in order for it to make sense.
I’m 33, nearly 34 and up until a couple of months ago, the way my reality looked didn’t bother me at all.
I’m single and have been for a wee while now. If we measure abundance from a monetary perspective, I’m not quite rolling around in the abundance hay stack. I have no idea what I want my future to look like. Do I want to live in Sydney? Do I want to own a house? What do I think about having kids? What’s my 5 year plan for my business? Huh? 5 year plan?
And then suddenly, it all mattered. I got totally caught up in the ‘shoulds’. Totally caught up in what I perceive my life is meant to look like. Comparison was on overdrive and fear had settled in. Fear. I hate fear. It’s exhausting and makes me feel out of sorts and worse than anything, disconnects me from my truth.
So naturally, I had a kinesiology session. I had lost sight of what was important to me and I needed to be reconnected with it.
Interestingly, although not surprisingly, the stress was around my perception of society’s expectations, my family’s and most strong, my friend’s. I had gone into comparing mode and as a result I felt like I was failing to measure up.
The thoughts on rotation were “Surely by this age I ‘should’ be in a relationship. Surely if I want to have children one day I ‘should’ be behaving in more sensible ways. Surely I ‘should’ have a deposit for a house”. Surely…
But my current reality is none of these things. And to be honest, I love my life the way it is. It’s rich with abundance, in so many ways. The only times I don’t love my life is when I go into ‘shoulds’ mode i.e. comparing mode.
And so in this kinesiology session we cleared the stress and plugged me back into my truth.
As a result, life started to flow again. Perspective restored, I was able to see the beauty in what I was creating in my life, exactly as it is.
I opened myself back up to the spontaneous and random experiences of life, which is ultimately what lights me up. I love people who stretch their own comfort zones, those who challenge the predetermined constructs of society. Those who accept and live life ‘their way’ and sure enough these people started coming back into my life again. These are the ones, who like me, don’t necessarily follow or want to follow the carbon copy of life.
Now, none of this is to say there is anything wrong with the carbon copy. Nor is there anything wrong with wanting a relationship or a mortgage. You’re allowed to want what you want.
And this is the point…
We are allowed to want what we want.
We are allowed to celebrate our lives exactly as they are – now. Remembering, our truths can change and will change over time. It’s about being present with your experience now.
The reason I booked in for that session, was because I hate not being present with my current reality. I hate dismissing my life as it is. I feel like it’s the biggest insult to life.
I went to a gig a few weeks back and ran into this guy I once knew. It kinda threw me. I went into ‘what does it mean? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?’. I was sitting in the back of a cab heading home, with a new dear friend of mine, lamenting over ‘what does it mean?’ And she said ‘drop it. You might work it out in a minute you might work it out in a weeks time, for now be present with the cab ride’.
Words spoken with hints of divinity.
She was totally right this wise friend of mine. Be present.
My intention with this post is to ask you to tune in to your truth and to be present with it.
We can no longer define success by the standards and expectations of the world or people around us. That is their definition of success. Their truth. It doesn’t have to be yours.
I invite you to look at what your truth is.
It might be, wanting to be CEO, a partner in a big firm, a king or queen. You might have the energy to take on the world and take over the world.
It might be wanting to play it small. This may serve you more. A less stressful life, with less money, less things, but more time. Be ok with wanting this.
Or it could be both of the above, at different times in your life.
It might be sharing your life with someone, in a monogamous relationship, in an open relationship, in a polyamorous relationship. We are such unique, complex beings, how can we all possibly fit into one category?
It might be, being single. And loving it.
It might look like overseas travel, every year.
It might look like no security. No mortgage. No investments.
It might look like having all your ducks in a row.
Your truth is your truth. Be curious about finding out what this is and then honour it.
All that matters is that we’re present with our own experience. That we’re honouring our truth in our own unique way.
Don’t compare yourself to others – it hurts and it’s exhausting.
Do what you need to do though to make your truth your reality. If it’s the mortgage you want, don’t buy the extra pair of shoes. If it’s the relationship you want, make choices that move you towards that. If you’re happy being single, live it up.
If you feel yourself going into comparison mode, if you feel like the ‘shoulds’ are getting you down, book in for a session. Clear the fear. I tell you, being unplugged is the pits. You know that.
Get plugged back in.
And if a session doesn’t resonate, crank the gratitudes. Crank em. They help you connect with what’s important to YOU. And meditate, this sorts out a multitude of crap.
All my love x
Emilie Barbot