Understand this and you’ll understand it all.

Over the years I’ve been told the way I live my life is inspirational. To which I bow my head with gratitude. Gratitude to the person offering this and gratitude to my spirit for being loud enough for me to follow.

It wasn’t long ago I’d dismiss such a comment, shy away from it, insist it wasn’t that great a thing. But I stopped doing this. When my Dad was in hospital, after his major bladder cancer operation thing, I had thanked the doctor and he had dismissed my thanks (humbly) but nonetheless dismissed it. And I realised when someone offers you thanks, you take it, otherwise it takes away from their thanks. This is just something to be mindful of.

I recently watched Marie Forleo’s Super Soul Session: Everything is Figureoutable. In it, she credits all she does in the world with a mantra she took from her Mumma, ‘Everything is figureoutable’. 

I want you to watch the talk. Cause it’s good. I don’t want to give too much away, there is one bit I’ll quote though, for it got me deep and re-connected me with this life of inspiration I lead.

“You are divinely blessed and infinitely capable. And there is no fate, no circumstance, no situation that can hinder the unstoppable power of your human soul.”
– Marie Forleo

Read it again. Let it rush through you. 

The best and biggest decisions and changes in my life have always come from soul nudges (& thundering shouts). And those nudges have ALWAYS had a path ahead of it that I couldn’t see. There was risk involved. Potential failings. Seemingly illogical ideas. But my spirit was strong in saying “just do it, we’ll figure it out, you’ll see…”

With all of these times the only thing I could see was the first step. Everything after that was pure faith.

A question I often get asked is “How can I trust my intuition, my soul?’” And the answer, you start believing inherently as Marie does that everything is figureoutable. And then all of a sudden it is.

We’re always asking ourselves “Is this the ‘right’ decision?”. 

When you ask your spirit for guidance, trust the first answer. The first thought. The first idea. This is your spirit talking. When your mind then jumps in with a 2nd, 3rd, 4th option. Thank it, but go back to the 1st. Trust me on this.

Make your decision and reiterate,

I am divinely blessed and infinitely capable. There is no fate, no circumstance, no situation that can hinder the unstoppable power of my human soul, because everything is figureoutable.

Living a life of inspiration comes in many forms. It’s different for each and every one of us. Recently I came across a Lena Dunham quote (another favourite lady of mine)

“The goal isn’t to have it all – the goal is to have your own particular brand of all”.

Your life of inspiration will look different to everyone else. Be inspired by others, take note, save ideas, but more than anything get back to connecting with your own life of inspiration, and this will only come from listening to your spirit, as crazy as she sounds sometimes.  Always remember, YOU are infinitely without a skerrick of a doubt divinely guided. Your spirit, soul, inner compass knows what’s up and is leading your every step.

This whole journey of ours, it’s all soul work. Connect in with it. And let it take you on the journey of your life, I promise you, you’ll figure out everything as you go.

All my love from the Garden Island x