Porn for the soul
It seems only fitting that seeing my last post was about not identifying with the ego, that some tools on how to understand the sub conscious mind could be of use.
Now I know I’m biased but for sub conscious obsessed peeps like myself kinesiology is the magic. Tapping into the subconscious mind is what it’s all about. However if kinesiology isn’t your thing or, if it’s just not your thing for the moment, some alternate ways of accessing the processing powerhouse might be of value.
So of course the day after I start mulling this over the latest Marie Forleo video pops up in my inbox (divine timing). This episode was nothing short of porn for my soul.
The reason it gets me so excited is because to understand the workings of your sub conscious mind means you become the driver as opposed to being the passenger going along for the ride, hoping for the best.
It is estimated that approximately 97% of our functioning is governed by the sub conscious mind. God how this intrigues me. Then, when you add on the layer that most of what sits grounded in our sub conscious are events and perceptions from our childhood, it makes sense that things in our current reality don’t look the way our adult selves would consciously like them to look.
The sub conscious mind is the ruler when it comes to manifesting. It will always get what it wants. EVEN if it’s not what we consciously think we want (how could it with its measly 3% power!?!). The sub conscious mind wants to keep us safe, even when its version of safe no longer serves us. So, in essence, if you can tap into the conversation of your sub conscious and raise your awareness around WHY you do the things you do and WHY life looks the way it does, well it means that you can start to be the creator of your reality in a totally different way. This is the power we have so been blessed with.
Take for instance the example on the video
Shauna writes to Marie and explains that she has her own business and over the years has failed to make it a success. Then she speaks of one of her top values – Freedom. This is so high on her list of priorities that it literally sabotages her wanting success, for in her mind success would ultimately take away her freedom. Amazing!
Dr Cathy Collautt offers 5 very practical steps in accessing, understanding and influencing how these play out in our lives.
1. The first is to Recognise the resistance and BE HUMBLE. Don’t assume you know all the answers. Respect what the resistance is teaching you. A quote I love is ‘resist persist’. If you truly want something to shift, you have to be willing to sit with the resistance and understand it as opposed to ignoring it. Take ownership of it. Learn to listen to the wisdom of the resistance.
2. Get Specific. In this step it is vital to let go of judgment. Do not, I repeat DO NOT berate yourself. Interview the subconscious mind with curiosity and love. Hear its case for this is where the wisdom lies. Take the time to learn what your VALUES are. If you’re not sure of your values please get in touch and I’ll give you a couple of options of how this can be done.
3. Make a promise. I love this point. You need to set the intention to work with the subconscious mind. To not go against it. For all of these years it has been keeping you in a perceived state of safety. You can’t just take this responsibility away from it. You have to make a promise that IF things start to get rocky you will listen to it, understand it, work with it.
4. The next step is to get EXAMPLES. Douse it in positive examples. So in the case of the lady who wrote in, it would be to find as many examples as possible of successful people WHO HAVE FREEDOM. The sub conscious mind NEEDS proof. It’s not keen on risky business. When the subconscious mind is convinced of (doused with) every reason to strive for success AND that freedom is most certainly an option, then it will eventually start to implement a new way of seeing the world.
5. Solidify and AFFIRM. This is where affirmations are key. You need to affirm WHAT IT IS YOU WANT. Without the subconscious mind on board affirmations are futile. It has to be in alignment with what you’re consciously stating. Once it is in alignment though – well, life starts to look very rosy indeed!
Taking the time to understand your subconscious mind increases your awareness and it is through this awareness that we can then create new neural pathways which ultimately lead us to live out new patterns, behaviours, attitudes and beliefs.
The conscious and subconscious mind is your computer. You get to upload the files, you get to delete folders, you get to create documents, you get to install whatever it is that you want. This is fact.
The question is, how committed are you to living an intentionally abundant and purposeful life?
Do you have any strategies or ways of tapping in?
I’d love to hear about it.
Leave a comment below. It’s a conversation worth having in my mind.
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