‘Pain – it demands to be felt’.
‘That’s the thing about pain. It demands to be felt.’ – John Green. A Fault in their Stars.
Much of what we work on in a Kinesiology session is being ok when our expectations aren’t met, when things appear to have gone off track, when we’re disappointed and hurting.
Job redundancies, being booted from your flat, relationships ending, relationships not starting, visas not being accepted, take your pick.
Shit things happen. And ultimately they become shit because our pea sized brains decide that what we think should happen is better than what is unfolding.
And so we freak out. We panic. We hold on to the old for dear life.
The Universe however has an uncanny way of giving us a gentle kick up the bum when we don’t move things along for ourselves, when we resist change – out of fear, old patterns, habits, from not believing in ourselves.
And it’s then because of that perceived crappy thing happening that we are forced to make a decision. And from there, things change course.
Now, regardless of whether you believe ‘everything happens for a reason’ OR ‘what if everything we think is wrong might actually just be right’ – these changes, these expectations not being met do come with their own level of pain.
And here in lies the magic. Pain demands to be felt.
I’ve experienced a couple of things recently where my expectations weren’t met.
It hurt, to say the least, but even while I write this and sit in the pain of it I can see (am choosing to see) the beauty of my expectations not being met.
It’s forced me to let go and to change course. And I know deep down, in my gut, that it’s for the best. That I needed the gentle kick up the bum.
What does it mean to sit with your pain?
- It means you need to feel it.
- It means you need to give yourself permission to be sad, or angry, or hurt, or frustrated. These emotions deserve just as much attention as the, shall we say, lighter emotions.
- It means you need to not judge it as a bad thing. It’s just a thing. Not good or bad.
- It means you keep in mind that this too shall shift.
- It means you keep in mind that the Universe has our backs. Always.
- It means we choose to tune into the bigger picture of life.
- It means we don’t identify with our pea size fearful brains.
If you too are experiencing your expectations not being met (therefore disappointment, panic, fear), try and take a step back, tune into the bigger picture and remember the truths you are so connected to when things are moving along swimmingly.
For me, two truths always give me perspective.
‘What if everything we think is wrong is right’
Conversations with God
‘What’s the secret to happiness? I don’t mind what happens’.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
When we adopt both these philosophies, perspectives, ways of being in the world we are able to move with a little more grace, a little more ease, and allow the pain to move through us without resistance. It doesn’t mean there is no pain, remember it demands to be felt, but it does mean it sucks a little less.
Happy feeling.
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Clare Woodward is a Kinesiologist, transformational coach, writer, speaker and considers herself a true manifesting Queen. She is insanely curious and fascinated by the workings of the mind and spirit, and understanding how these influence our experiences, in our current reality. She loves the kookiness of all things energy and gets a kick out of synchronicities, soulful encounters and hugging trees. Follow her at Woodward Institute and find her on Facebook.
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Work with me – Book in for a Skype session, I’m available online while I’m abroad. Alternatively if you’re curious about Kinesiology and prefer to experience an in person session I’ll pass you the details of one of my gorgeous colleagues. There are so many of us willing to share the Kinesiology love. clare@woodwardinstitute.com.au / +61 408 359 922