Notes from the Universe


I received the following note from the Universe;

‘Talking a lot about something that bothers you, Clare, is a pretty good sign that you’ve got something huge and profoundly libertating to learn. Woooo hoooooo. The Universe”.


It made me laugh. It made me laugh because it’s so true. I catch myself complaining about this or that and I know, I know in all of me being that it’s my stuff. For it’s always OUR stuff. Right?

A lot of what I harp on about – in life in general – is about taking responsibility for YOU. This has its downsides, for sometimes it would be really nice to live ignorantly blissful and just blame others and life. But deep down I know it’s not the case, we create our own reality, even all the crappy stuff.

BUT – the thing I love the most about taking responsibility for MY stuff is that when I do take responsibility I literally witness the circumstances around me change. Like magic. People who were irritating me, no longer do. Situations that ‘appeared’ out of my control somehow change direction and work in my favour.


The way it works:

  1. I’m thinking thoughts, less than best ones, this creates a chemical reaction in my brain, in my body, I literally vibrate at a frequency according to my thoughts.
  1. I’m then in said circumstance and I can feel my body, I can feel my energy, it’s not ideal. It’s not how I want to feel. The people/ life I’m surrounded by either consciously or subconsciously pick up on these vibrations. You know the quote ‘you could literally cut the tension with a knife’. This is why. Vibrationally we all feel it.
  1. I change my thoughts. I intentionally change them. I choose to think of the situation in a different way. I choose to flood the situation with LOVE (rather than fear). I ask for help, for guidance, (do whatever works for you) and then I notice the chain reaction in the vibrational change. RESULT: Life looks different.


I want to acknowledge that sometimes the energy needs to be ‘off’. This is so people and situations go their separate ways. Vibrationally people get pulled together and they get pushed apart. It’s life. It’s nature. It needs no judgement.

And so this is HOW Kinesiology works. A Kinesiology session will help you to change your thoughts around a situation, around people, around yourself. Your vibration will then change as a result. And as we know, once your vibration changes your reality changes.

How wicked is that?!?!

When I first starting going to a Kinesiologist I used to explain to people that it was like all these things I had been reacting to no longer bothered me. And that’s exactly what it’s like. You receive the awareness, you do the session/ balance, life no longer irritates you or forces you to react. You are back in a position where you can respond to life. With empowered knowledge, you can direct it the way you want.

Taking responsibility doesn’t mean you avoid the lessons. They’re still there. And once you finish with one lesson the next lesson is on its way. But the beauty of being able to take responsibility means the process is all the less taxing. It ceases to be filled with resistance. Instead you flow with the lesson. Which is the way it should be. No need to paddle upstream. It’s tiresome.

Another thing worth noting, is that these things that bother you are all in some shape and form a reflection of you. On some level they are. I invite you to view them with curiousity. Not judgement. And no judgement of self especially.

 ‘Bless your mess’. – Sonia Choquette

Thank and bless the situation and curiously delve in to see what it means for you. And ask yourself What are you trying to tell yourself about yourself?

  • Amazing timely post Clare bear, I have been coming up with similar ‘stuff’ this week – In Ingrid’s yin yoga class on Wednesday night I found myself literally yelling in my head “Take responsibility for how you fcuking feel about this” then I had a little cry and felt better. The world did look different. I think some of this is a result of my amazing balance with you on Tuesday ! Muchos gracias muchos muchos gracias, love Kate x Ps this blog post should go on AYogafiedLife next week – okay with you?

  • Thanks for the kind words Katie. I’d love it to go on A YogafiedLife. And it’s always a pleasure helping you balance out. It has it’s advantages having an in house kinesiologist.