Living the Dream Interview Series – Meet Natty.
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
– Anaïs Nin
When I lived in France on the Riviera it was often said ‘We’re living the dream people’.
Which in all honesty we were. Days were spent working alongside friends who became family, lounging at the beach – before work, after work, on days off, meeting folk from all over the world, drinking cheap booze together. In your mid 20’s this is living the dream. To be fair, in my 30’s this is still living the dream. Although the cheap booze isn’t ideal any more.
This idea of ‘Living the Dream’ is the driving force behind why we get up in the morning – and stay up. Or at least it should be. The reality of living your heart’s desire is intoxicating. I believe each one of us is here to live the exact opposite of mediocre. To be inspired daily to live our dreams, to access our truth + potential, to be connected to our purpose – this is why we get up and stay up.
To inspire you to live your own version of ‘Living the Dream’ I’m going to be interviewing a bunch of my clients doing just this. My clients (who I have the honour and privilege of working with) commit to their potential, to living consciously, responsibly and spiritually.
Which is where Kinesiology comes in. This uber powerful therapy helps you get clear on your desires + passions and importantly kicks your subconscious blocks in the butt, forcing you to face your fears and annihilate your anxieties.
But enough with the alliteration – Kinesiology works and it’s part of the reason these amazing people are living their dream.
So without further adieu… Meet Natty.
Natty Dipold :: Life Refinement Facilitator – through classes, workshops and private sessions you’ll breathe, do yoga, massage, organise and create a finer tuned life. To get shit done. And feel good doing it :: 33 years old :: Lives Sydney :: Studied at Enmore TAFE in Design&Decoration, Yoga at BodyMindLife, Hypnotherapy at Australian College Hypnotherapy, many organisational roles in the corporate and design industry, and a whole bunch of self development study in spirituality, philosophy, history and culture.
You’re living the dream. What does this look like for you? (Describe what you do for a crust). And how long have you been doing it for?
I get up at 4:30am to meditate. I teach /run workshops, listen to audio books, see clients and go to their homes to get them feeling good inside and out. I write, look after a kid or 7, take photos, spend time in nature, take more photos, write insights/ life hacks, make graphics, make products, go to bed early.
I’ve been doing this for about a year full time and a decade in the making.
Were you scared to take the leap of faith? How did it happen? Can you describe the feeling you experienced? Your mental state of being? Emotions?
I was scared. I still am at times. It happened because I realised I couldn’t have someone else telling me what to do, slaving to someone else’s dream and feeling unworthy. I worked in many roles helping people but wasn’t feeling fulfilled so I decided I had to do the things I love. From this space I found the alchemy of my skills and created the Life Refinement Therapies.
What do you believe made you follow through? What was it that made you move towards your calling?
Understanding – I don’t fit in a box. The collection of skills I was acquiring, at the time unaware they were creating something bigger. With the missing puzzle piece – studying yoga teaching, as it anchored the skills I had developed.
How has Kinesiology + Coaching supported you through this process? How long have you
been doing Kinesiology? Why do you keep returning to it?
It cuts you through your unconscious blocks. It facilities a space for change, in ways “talking” about it “only” can’t access. We have so many masks and mirrors of what we “think” is the problem, we need to use energy work to tap into this. Kinesiology and coaching keeps you in check with your intentions so you don’t slip when you have a rough time. I’ve been doing it for a few months now, it’s big magic to see how it unravels the coils of resistance. I return cause it works.
We all get off track at times. Fears creep back in. Resistance gets a hold of us. Inspiration doesn’t strike. What do you do to stay on track? What gets you back to centre? Is it people?
Things? Philosophies? Yoga?
I go to nature to connect and get back to reality. Check in with my fellow coaches and share what’s happening … express what’s going on – everything is better out than in!! Yoga, dancing, meditation, study of philosophy, history, and I write shit out.
Who do you talk to? God/ Universe/ Angels/ Saints/Trees/All of the above? Can you describe your relationship with your spirituality? How does this contribute to you living the dream?
All of the above! I talk to myself, I thank the universe, angels and find refuge in nature. Spirituality has been a prominent part of my life since I was a youth, so I actually don’t even know how to live life without finding the magic in everything that happens. I believe we attract everything that happens in our lives and it’s up to us to find meaning and either enjoy it or grow from it.
What soulful advice do you have for those reading this, who too desire to live a life of purpose + passion?
I believe that everyone has purpose. We all need guidance at times, inspiration and turmoil to really get through to find this. If we work on ourselves wholeheartedly we inevitably follow our dreams and live the lives we envisage … so take on the path of practice and remember that “we don’t stop playing cause we grow old, we grow old cause we stop playing” … so move, shake, be gentle and live from the space of love!
Everyone’s dream is different. Have an insatiable curiosity about yours.
It’s time to blossom.