Living the Dream Interview Series – Meet Gemille.

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.  

– Anaïs Nin

When I lived in France on the Riviera it was often said ‘We’re living the dream people’.

Which in all honesty we were. Days were spent working alongside friends who became family, lounging at the beach – before work, after work, on days off, meeting folk from all over the world, drinking cheap booze together. In your mid 20’s this is living the dream. To be fair, in my 30’s this is still living the dream. Although the cheap booze isn’t ideal any more.

This idea of ‘Living the Dream’ is the driving force behind why we get up in the morning – and stay up. Or at least it should be. The reality of living your heart’s desire is intoxicating. I believe each one of us is here to live the exact opposite of mediocre. To be inspired daily to live our dreams, to access our truth + potential, to be connected to our purpose – this is why we get up and stay up.

To inspire you to live your own version of ‘Living the Dream’ I’m going to be interviewing a bunch of my clients doing just this. My clients (who I have the honour and privilege of working with) commit to their potential, to living consciously, responsibly and spiritually. 

Which is where Kinesiology comes in. This uber powerful therapy helps you get clear on your desires + passions and importantly kicks your subconscious blocks in the butt, forcing you to face your fears and annihilate your anxieties. 

But enough with the alliteration – Kinesiology works and it’s part of the reason these amazing people are living their dream.

So without further adieu… Meet Gemille.


Gemille Cribb :: Clinical Psychologist, Hypnotherapist, Yoga Teacher, Tantric Sexuality Coach :: 35 :: Sydney:: Equilibrium Psychology :: Macquarie University, University of New South Wales, Australian School of Tantra, Body Mind Life, International Institute of Kinesiology Australia…et al.

You’re living the dream. What does this look like for you? (Describe what you do for a crust). And how long have you been doing it for? 

I have a thriving practice ‘Equilibrium Psychology’ where I work with a wonderful team of Clinical Psychologists in Sydney CBD. Over the past 10 years we have focused on helping adults and couples live fuller and more meaningful lives by helping them understand and become more skillful at managing the difficulties that they encounter.

Since beginning my work as a Clinical Psychologist I have expanded my interests into a variety of areas.  I am a self proclaimed ‘workshop-a-holic’ and have done further training in: hypnosis, yoga teaching, somatic therapy, kahuna massage, kinesiology, and tantric sexuality.  I love nothing more than to absorb new information and experiences to deepen my understanding of how people work, how they can enhance their wellbeing and fulfill their highest potentials.

Were you scared to take the leap of faith? How did it happen? Can you describe the feeling you experienced? Your mental state of being? Emotions?

My first job out of university was not a great experience. I was young and naive and my first boss took advantage of me. It was the best thing that could have happened! After 6 months of running her practice for her for minimal reward, I decided that I may as well do it for myself! I felt liberated and empowered.

At times I was stressed (because she tried to sue me!) but I kept focusing on doing the work I love for the clients that I feel honored to be able to help.  With the support of my family, who have always believed in my potential, I felt confident to take my next steps secure in the knowledge that the work I do speaks for itself.

What do you believe made you follow through? What was it that made you move towards your calling? 

I stumbled in to the perfect fit for me straight from high school. There was never a question as to whether I should be a psychologist, my mother was also a psychologist and I seemed to have a natural aptitude for it.

I come from a long line of entrepreneurs and so it seemed natural for me to want to work for myself.  I enjoyed the creative expression of being able to choose exactly how I would offer my gifts to the world. I have never been attached to success and so was happy just to follow my passion; to be led by my creativity and my innate drive to help people, and see where it took me.

However, I have always been a bit ‘quirky’ and so soon got bored with the drier science of psychology and decided to explore therapy and emotional healing as an art form and from a spiritual perspective.  I was drawn to hypnosis to help me understand why some talking therapy works more than others; I was drawn to the somatic modalities to understand how the body fits into a mental health and wellbeing picture; and I was drawn to yoga, tantra and kinesiology to understand how energy and spirit align with the more concrete and cognitive aspects of wellness.

How has Kinesiology + Coaching supported you through this process? How long have you
been doing Kinesiology? Why do you keep returning to it? 

I have been having sessions since 2012.  I love kinesiology as a modality as it totally bypasses my rational brain and works straight with my body and energy. As such it is a powerful tool that can efficiently release the things that may otherwise keep me stuck.  I delight in the idea that my therapists offer no direct suggestions and yet my body shifts, without my conscious participation.

We all get off track at times. Fears creep back in. Resistance gets a hold of us. Inspiration doesn’t strike. What do you do to stay on track? What gets you back to centre? Is it people? Things? Philosophies? Yoga? 

I set new goals, engage in new projects, begin new learning journeys and find new ways to spread my love and knowledge.  I also prioritize self care and keep a comfy home, close nurturing relationships and plenty of yoga, massage and other physical practices.

Who do you talk to? God/ Universe/ Angels/ Saints/Trees/All of the above? Can you describe your relationship with your spirituality? How does this contribute to you living the dream?

I relate to the god/goddess within.  I believe we are all interconnected and that we all have the divine within us. I believe that beyond our ego and our ‘monkey mind’ with its stories and agendas we are all here to grow in and contribute to Love.

When I need to, I sit in awe and gratitude for the beautiful living organism that is my body and what she allows me to do, the abundance that is daily present in my life, and the love I exchange with those around me.

I recognize the divine within all beings and honor them as best I can with love and compassionate assistance, trusting completely that I will receive abundance in return. This allows me to live my dream with gratitude, generosity and love and experience these qualities reflected back on me.

What’s one or two hard truths about taking the risk to blossom. What do people need to be aware of?

No matter what you are passionate about it is worth pursuing it, your inner critic will always be the most difficult of roadblocks to overcome at the outset. However, you do need to be cognizant of the ways of the business world and of exchange.

Money operates according to rational principles so when making money decisions be sure to consult your head, not just your heart.  Not dissimilarly, the heart operates best within realistic and self-loving boundaries, so make sure you are not pursuing your passion to the point of self-depletion. Budgets and boundaries!

What soulful advice do you have for those reading this, who too desire to live a life of purpose + passion?

Whether you believe in one life or multiple, all we are in control of is the now.  Every second not spent in service of your values and finding and living your true purpose, are seconds wasted.  You won’t remember that TV show you watched in a year’s time but you might remember and have grown from that course you did, or that risk you took, even if it didn’t end up how you wanted it to.

Get in touch with Gem via


Everyone’s dream is different. Have an insatiable curiosity about yours.
It’s time to blossom.

For more Living the Dream Interviews click here.