Living the Dream Interview Series – Meet Beth (+ FREE Naturopathy sesh).
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
~ Anais Nin
When I lived in France on the Riviera it was often said ‘We’re living the dream people’.
Which in all honesty we were. Days were spent working alongside friends who became family, lounging at the beach – before work, after work, on days off, meeting folk from all over the world, drinking cheap booze together. In your mid 20’s this is living the dream. To be fair, in my 30’s this is still living the dream. Although the cheap booze isn’t ideal any more.
This idea of ‘Living the Dream’ is the driving force behind why we get up in the morning – and stay up. Or at least it should be. The reality of living your heart’s desire is intoxicating. I believe each one of us is here to live the exact opposite of mediocre. To be inspired daily to live our dreams, to access our truth + potential, to be connected to our purpose – this is why we get up and stay up.
To inspire you to live your own version of ‘Living the Dream’ I’m going to be interviewing a bunch of my clients doing just this. My clients (who I have the honour and privilege of working with) commit to their potential, to living consciously, responsibly and spiritually.
Which is where Kinesiology comes in. This uber powerful therapy helps you get clear on your desires + passions and importantly kicks your subconscious blocks in the butt, forcing you to face your fears and annihilate your anxieties.
But enough with the alliteration – Kinesiology works and it’s part of the reason these amazing people are living their dream.
So without further adieu… Meet Beth.
Beth Bridges :: Naturopath + Coach :: 27 years old :: Lives Sydney, Australia :: Works from her Home Clinic on the North Shore and from Pure Health in Sydney CBD:: BSc Uni of WA + Naturopathy Nature Care College
You’re living the dream. What does this look like for you? (Describe what you do for a crust). And how long have you been doing it for?
Living the dream … for me, this means doing whatever it takes to live your purpose in life. We’re all here for some awesome, unique mission. As soon as you choose to say ‘yes’ to your purpose, you’re already living the dream, no matter what it is. I’ve been living my dream since the day I committed to my path of educating & inspiring others, and helping them change their health and life for the better.
My mission as a naturopath & coach, is to create a healthcare revolution for modern women. In modern society, the constant & chronic stress we are all under, along with the way we’re eating and living, is resulting in an epidemic of imbalanced hormones. As a result, so many women are ‘tired but wired’, dragging themselves out of bed every day, living with chronic PMS every month, and suffering debilitating conditions such as endometriosis and PCOS.
I believe that radical self-care, hand in hand with balanced hormones, are the answers to these problems. I want to coach women back to happy hormones and amazing vitality through the use of naturopathic principles, nutrition and herbal medicine, and sustainable lifestyle changes. I want to help them define their life purpose and go for it, in a body that makes it through every day feeling vibrant. I believe it’s possible for women to have full, enriching lives, and still maintain outstanding health and well-being.
I launched my solo naturopathy & coaching business in the new year, and as an introductory offer, I’m giving new clients the opportunity to have both an initial (90 min) and follow-up (60 min) consult for $120. This means that the follow-up consult is entirely free … a gift I want to give, because as a practitioner, I’m responsible for helping you follow through with changes in your health and your life. I want to see it through with you, until we’ve achieved all your goals.
Were you scared to take the leap of faith? How did it happen? Can you describe the feeling you experienced? Your mental state of being? Emotions?
When I decided to become a naturopath, I was towards the end of my first degree, a BSc. I was sitting in the library at my university working on an assignment, 6 months out from graduation. I literally had the most profound ‘a-ha’ experience – I had been toying for months with my options coming out of uni, and nothing was really clicking. That day, it was like I’d stepped out of a fog. Clarity is such an amazing feeling. Right then, I was committed – but it wasn’t easy! I remember facing the prospect of another 4 years of fulltime study. It was a daunting, but I enrolled anyway, knowing that I wouldn’t be fulfilled doing anything else. The years to follow presented me with many challenges, but the greater vision that I had for my future work always carried me through.
What do you believe made you follow through? What was it that made you move towards your calling?
I believe I followed through because I finally allowed myself to be completely, 100% authentic. Up until that point in my life, I’d kind of just tried to be ‘normal’, to ‘fit in’. That day in the library, it was almost like I just allowed myself to be who I really was. To allow myself to make the choices, that were true to my soul. I think everyone has a moment like that in their life, a moment where everything changes and there’s no option but to do what has been divinely presented to you.
How has Kinesiology + Coaching supported you through this process? How long have you been doing Kinesiology? Why do you keep returning to it?
Kinesiology has transformed my life, and one of my future goals is to study and implement this great modality into my own business! I’ve been having kinesiology for around 4-5 years. It is such a powerful tool for discovering purpose, and clearing all the limiting beliefs that are stopping us from going for whatever that life mission is. It was Clare who said to me, ‘kinesiology is like having a conversation with your subconscious’, and I couldn’t say it better. When I have a kinesiology session, I feel like my soul is able to tell my rather limited mind just what to do next. I need that guidance. I get stuck without it. I’m eternally grateful for this amazing tool.
We all get off track at times. Fears creep back in. Resistance gets a hold of us. Inspiration doesn’t strike. What do you do to stay on track? What gets you back to centre? Is it people? Things? Philosophies? Yoga?
When I’m resisting my purpose, or feeling uninspired, I know its time to move my body, eat amazingly well, and get into ocean water… In order to be receptive to our intuitive knowing, those little ‘hunches’ that tell us what to do next, our physical body has to be well-rested, clear of toxins, and invigorated through movement and nature. If I’m feeling out of sorts, I’ll take myself to a yoga class, go for a beach swim, get to bed earlier than normal, and really put a lot of effort into making really nourishing, home-cooked food. Plus, I’ll (try) to stop focusing on the so-called ‘problem’, or fear, and just relax. These practices always, always centre me. (Oh, and a good kinesiology session, of course!!). I’m forever grateful to be able to time and time again, come back to the simple practices that are the core of naturopathy, and experience their simple effectiveness in myself.
Who do you talk to? God/ Universe/ Angels/ Saints/ Trees/ All of the above? Can you describe your relationship with your spirituality? How does this contribute to you living the dream?
I talk to my soul! I love that there are so many things/deities/energies to believe in, and that we all have out own unique way of connecting to ‘whomever that is’. For me, I believe that the soul is our universal wisdom, and that it always knows best. I always ask my soul, ‘what is the most authentic choice for me to make here’? Or, ‘what do I need to do next’? My soul is my spirituality. It’s very important for me to feel like I’m living my life in a way that’s in alignment with that, and when I am, I feel so content, no matter what chaos is around me. When I make choices that are a little inauthentic, or not quite aligned, I always know, and I use those times as lessons, always guiding back to my greatest truth, which is, ‘always be authentic’.
What’s one or two hard truths about taking the risk to blossom. What do people need to be aware of?
The risk to blossom is not comfortable. It’s going to feel terrible, often. There’s no guarantee, except your faith in yourself. You literally have to step up and create the very thing that you want. The universe will gift you your purpose, but you have to make it happen, you have to take action so that life can provide you with opportunities. The thing that will sustain you, is knowing, right down to your core, that this is your path, your purpose in life, that there’s no other options. I’m faced with new fears every single day, but my dream carries me through. That vision of me positively affecting the lives of countless women carries me through. I can think of nothing else I’d rather be doing, so I’m willing to endure it all!
What soulful advice do you have for those reading this, who too desire to live a life of purpose + passion?
Please, please, please do whatever it is that tugs on the strings of your heart. Whatever it is that you love, that you can’t stop reading about/daydreaming about/talking about. Because the thing is, it is here that you are going to be most successful. You won’t do anything else quite as well as you’ll do your authentic life mission. You can best serve the world by using your real gifts. The universe will reward you most abundantly for following your authentic dreams. It will be amazing.
Connect with Beth over on her blog and on Facebook and Instagram – @naturopathbeth
Her other deets: +61 405 153 630 //