Nodding in agreement
I received two quotes this week which made me beam from inside.
The first was from The Universe (;
Work Experience:
Created the sun, the moon, and the stars.
Special Talents:
Knows all things.
Exists everywhere, always, at once.
Capable of rallying legions.
Big time matter manipulator.
Spontaneous healer.
Unique Characteristics:
Worshipped, feared, and misunderstood by many.
Boundless lover of life.
Blazing insights.
Great sense of humour.
Cute, cute, cute.
Gosh, you’re right, Clare, we do have tons in common. This could have been mine.
I’d hire you –
The Universe
Without sounding too corny, this actually brought a tear to my eye.
The second was a quote a client sent through;
“You are your own teacher. Looking for teachers can’t solve your own doubts. Investigate yourself to find the truth – inside, not outside. Knowing yourself is most important.”
– Ajahn Shah (1918 – 1992) Thai Buddhist monk
I know I’ve fallen victim to this – wanting for everything to fall into my lap VIA the assistance of someone else. Thinking that I needed a mentor, someone to show me step by step what to expect, how to cope, what to do.
But it doesn’t happen that way. At least it didn’t for me and I’m so glad. As we are the creators of our own reality I’m pretty chuffed with myself that I did create it this way. Yay me.
I’ve realised that by looking outside of ourselves we actually disconnect from our most prized asset – Us. What I mean by looking outside of ourselves is looking for external validation that assures us we feel safe, feel worthy and feel loved.
When we disconnect from us we ultimately disconnect from the Universe, for as that first quote states we have everything in common with each other, for we are one.
Life is hard when we try to do it all ourselves. When this happens we contract, we get in our heads, we get controlling, we lose sight of the bigger picture. On the other hand when we recognise that there is a much greater force at play, that the universe has our back at all times, we expand and we are able to play witness to the true beauty of life and experience the miracles we are worthy of.
We are our own teachers and when we take the time to look inside we discover all of the answers are there, waiting for us, always.
“Care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner”
– Lao Tzu
Learning to approve of yourself will free you. Celebrate all that you are and trust in yourself and in the force that supports and protects you always. I don’t know about you, but I find this incredibly comforting. By looking in, instead of out for approval we take our power back for when it’s just us that we are working with we know what we’re up against. It baffles me to understand why we would do it any other way (and I’m assuming the universe is nodding in agreement).