I can’t be arsed
I’ve noticed over the past 6 months with clients that sessions tend to have themes. Whether it be Chinese element based themes (for instance everything at the moment is in the Wood element for clients and funnily enough the Wood element represents Spring – blows me away), or the same type of balance (there are a possible 200 that could come up, yet it’s the same few for a week or two and then it changes to new balances), or even similar goals to work from. It excites me no end.
A common balance at the moment for clients is looking at the language they use. That is, those statements which drain you of life energy as opposed to enhancing it. We all do it. The ‘shoulds’ the ‘I can’t’, the ‘I hope’ (instead of I trust). The many words we utter that are riddled with complaints. Ultimately these words have a less than best vibration and, as we know, the frequency we vibrate at is the frequency at which we attract.
It’s like tuning into a radio station (the old school way) turning the knob, finding the frequency. You’re not going to stop on the static frequency where the sound is barely audible, you’re going to tune in to the clearest frequency possible. The language we use is effectively turning the knob to tune in to the radio station of the universe. Our language governs what we receive. It really is no different.
I had the privilege and honour over the weekend to teach some of the beginning bits and pieces of kinesiology to a group of 10. It was incredible. Challenging in so many ways as I’m still getting my head around being a good teacher. I know how much I hung on to every word of my teachers when I was learning, so while it is a true honour I also (not surprisingly) place a lot of pressure on myself (I’ll leave elaborating on this one for another post).
So while teaching my crew of budding kinesiologists, we were talking about formulating goals for the balances. Many were acknowledging different complaints: sore back, headaches, not having this and that. The key to formulating an effective goal within a kinesiology balance is to word as if it is happening and simply ask ‘what is it you would rather have if you didn’t have this complaint?’ We don’t want to balance the back pain as such we want to align you with what it is you would have if you didn’t have the back pain. The focus becomes totally different.
What is it you would rather have? It’s a powerful question. If you didn’t have the back pain what would it mean you could have instead? If you didn’t have the headache what does it create space for instead? I LOVE getting to the nuts and bolts of goals. I do. Chipping away and helping someone to work out what is at the core of the perceived holding them back.
Language. When we become consciously aware of all of our actions, our thoughts, our words, we can start to see how it plays out in our lives. If we are forever saying ‘I don’t have money’ even though you’re trying your hardest to think abundant thoughts, you are ultimately expressing a frequency that doesn’t match your imagined thoughts. Your radio frequency is fuzzy.
It sounds simple. And it is. Amazing to acknowledge just how easy and habitual it is for us to use language that doesn’t serve us and to complain about this and that. If this is the case, it is just as easy to use language that increases our life energy. Awareness if of course the first step, for, with awareness you then have the power to change what no longer serves you.
I love working with clients when language comes up. We are able to test a statement that they frequently use, like, ‘I can’t be arsed’ or ‘that drives me mental’ and instead tweak it to something more positive, like, ‘I can be bothered’ or ‘I know I can handle this’. I know it sounds cheesy, but if you ask me, I’d much rather be operating at my ultimate best than unconsciously operating at a lower vibration. Even something as simple as saying ‘I trust you are well’, instead of ‘I hope you are well’ has a much stronger more positive effect on the enquiry. Hope seems tentative. Trust communicates assurance.
I came across the following quote during the week which ultimately ties in with being conscious of how much not only our words affect our existence but how our thoughts do too (no surprises there I’m sure).
‘Pretending is the fastest way to believing and believing is the fastest way to receiving’.
In order to pretend you first have to imagine. As William Blake said ‘What was once proved was once only imagined’. It all starts from a thought. It’s wonderfully ok to allow yourself to day dream and imagine and formulate what it is you desire. Make your dreams big. Why wouldn’t you!?! By pretending, it also means you ‘faith it till you make it’. Something I live my life by at the moment. I remember reading somewhere that no one (even the perceived most successful people) have no idea. Everyone is guessing and trusting and living on faith. Pretend you already have it. Act like you already have it. Speak like you already have it. Do what you need to get your subconscious mind on board to allow you to imagine it (see http://woodwardinstitute.wordpress.com/2012/09/23/porn-for-the-soul/ a previous blog post on working with the sub conscious mind). And then as the quote says once you start believing it you might just start receiving it.
I invite you this week to become aware of your language and thoughts. Get a journal. Tap it in to you iPhone. Make notes of just how often you resonate at a frequency that doesn’t serve you. Take responsibility for all that comes out of you, including your thoughts. The aim is by no means to be 100% happy all of the time and to walk around with only rosy rainbow infused thoughts. It is instead so you can become aware and then through this awareness choose to stay in the same frequency or change it. If there is something you want in life and you’re not getting it, I guarantee things will change when you consciously and responsibly change your language and thoughts.
I start each day with the following affirmation;
‘I live in a constant state of abundance and I am grateful’
I then proceed to rattle off various things I’m grateful for. From hot showers, to good night sleeps, to having money in the bank, food in the fridge, friends to call, to being able to call a country home that allows me to do and be all I want to be, to having fresh flowers on my chest of drawers, for Tom and Alex on the radio in the morning. For it all.
It’s a habit I started years ago and it stuck. It’s a nice frequency to tune in to first thing in the morning. Give it a go. Just imagine what you could tune in to.
With love and light have a great week.
Photos thanks to Pinterest http://pinterest.com/clarey22
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