How I create a life of happiness.


I just spent 10 days in Byron and I have to say it really is everything it’s cracked up to be. There is something about the place that aligns you, quietens you, takes you deeper and connects you with Mother earth and therefore yourself. I spent 7 of the days at a yoga retreat, hidden amongst the trees, surrounded by rustling leaves, buzzing cicadas, splashes in the pool, waves crashing in the distance and ladies laughing. It was bliss to the max.

Being at a yoga retreat, as I’m sure you can imagine, most (including myself to a certain degree) were there to realign, get out of our heads, ground and attempt to start the year off on a good foot. After lengthy chats and observations I realised that in comparison (and I do not say this with judgement) I was actually pretty centred. Which made realise that there might just be some credibility to the methods I partake in to abstain from madness!

So on that note I’d love to share with you the things I do to keep myself sane and happy and childlike. I’d like to also say that the things I list below are not especially unique, but sometimes we need reminding of the simple things. I know I do. So here goes…

Be happy

1) Gratitudes. THESE are the be all and end all of my existence. Gratitude needs a blog post all to itself, but in the mean time I don’t want to invite you to do gratitudes, I’d quite like to force them down your throat. Starting your day and flooding your day with gratitude will see your existence change so so quickly. It is the fastest way to get you our of your head and into a space of marvelling at the incredible existence you are so priveledged to live. There is always something to be grateful for. No matter how small. For a great read on Gratitude see Sarah Wilson’s post

My ritual is to say things I’m grateful for as I get up in the morning, while I shower, as I venture forth into the world each day. Then as I notice myself getting all heady about crap I turn my attention outwards and start noticing and being grateful for life. It works every time.

2) I let go. Believe me when I say – THIS IS NOT AN EASY ONE FOR ME. But each and every time I consciously hand it back over to the universe, what is returned is beyond my wildest dreams. People appear, opportunities arise, I feel at peace and instantly excited by life. It’s like I know a secret no one else does. But that’s the thing. The secret is there for the taking by all, you just have to be willing to work in unison with it. That is – LET GO and Flooooooow. I get out of my own way so the universe can work it’s magic. It’s tantalizingly wonderful.

3) I consciously think happy thoughts and keep a journal. I’m blessed, (chemically and soulfully) to be drawn to see the positive in life. In my world the glass truly is full. My parents raised me this way. It’s ingrained in me. I journal because it gets me out of my head when I’m in it. By getting everything down on paper, it transfers and transforms the energy and creates space again. I always sigh deeply when I’ve written the last word. It allows me to put the negative on paper and wallow in it if I so feel, and then finish up with gratitudes. For me, journalling gets me clear so I can do my best to not project my insecurities onto others.

‘Take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space’.

– Dr Jill Bolte Taylor


If you’re geared to see life as half empty there are ways to change it.

  • keep a journal of all the negative thoughts over a day. A good friend offered a technique she used to notice just how negative her thoughts were. Every hour she set an alarm and on the hour she would write down what she had been thinking about in that moment. Invariably it was just crap she was thinking about. For her it highlighted the amount of energy and power she was giving away with each moment. Through this awareness she then consciously started to choose happier thoughts, use her power for good. It changed her life.

When I was going through a particularly dark time I kept a notebook out with me and each time I thought of something that really didn’t serve me I jotted it down. It was amazing to see at the end of the day just how much my thoughts WERE governing the way I was feeling and also how my day was looking because of them. It was with this awareness that I was able to make changes.

4) I hug a tree, bask in the sunshine, I immerse myself in nature. These are all sure-fire ways of getting me out of my head and back into equilibrium. Mother nature has this way of reminding me that I am apart of something much greater. It comforts me and puts things back into perspective. I receive an all encompassing sense of wisdom when I connect with her.

Palm tree Byron

5) I allow myself to be vulnerable, sad, insecure, unsure and scared. It’s impossible to always be happy. Surrendering to feeling a little flat is actually quite empowering. I often resist it, I innately feel something is wrong if I don’t FEEL super happy. But I’ve learnt and continue to learn that it’s all part of it. Acceptance of life and self is such a huge part of self love, because don’t forget self love means to love ALL of you.

6) I tell myself I’m beautiful and that I’m perfect just as I am. I look in the mirror, stare deep into my eyes and I talk to myself. I have conversations as if I’m talking with one of my best friends. I stare into my eyes and I connect with my spirit, and we chat.  Doing this helps me to stay grounded and not get caught up in things. I give myself a good talking to. It’s pretty amusing at times, which above all else lightens the mood of whatever I’m processing.

7) I tune into and trust when I need to spend time with others and when I need to just spend time on my own. I’m learning to be ok with both of these. Not feeling all needy and dependent when I crave company so badly and not feeling all weird and like im isolating myself when I need time on my own. I’m learning to trust my vibes and respond accordingly. I find this so empowering.

8) I stretch and I breathe and I meditate and I move. This is one that goes in and out of my life. But I can say hands down when I do it everything feels better. The blood starts pumping, the oxygen starts flowing, the vibration increases and expands and my head clears. Why I stop at times is beyond me, but sometimes I just do (and this is ok).

Inhale exhale

9) I book in for a kinesiology session. I listen to music that lifts me. I look at beautiful photos. I read inspirational quotes. I say thank you to a tree. I talk to the sky. I take responsibility to align my vibration with something of a higher resonance. It’s easy to do and effortless.


Me – talking to the sky, giving thanks.

10) I am mindful of what I put into my body. Having just done the yoga retreat I was reminded of just how beautifully my body responds when we fuel it with nourishment. I drove up to Byron and I rarely drive in Sydney so filling up the petrol tank was a bit odd at first. It was then I realised that I wouldn’t put the wrong petrol in the car, obviously, and then realised how crazy it is for us to put things in our body that we know are so wrong for it. Amazing really and puts things into perspective. If you don’t want to feel like crap, don’t feed yourself crap. It really is that simple.

11) I do my best to be PRESENT. I say to myself ‘Im back’ and ‘Help me to enjoy this moment’. These help to reset me back into life again after I’ve been wandering around in a daze. See previous blog post about how I do this.

Byron Buddha


12) I focus on the magic, the messages and the synchoronicities. As I type this point I notice the clock, it’s 11:11, my battery level indicated only a moment ago that it had 1:22 hours left. Seeing 11’s and 12’s and 22’s reminds me I am being guided. I see kookaburras and find feathers and see dragon flies and associate these things with spiritual guidance and comfort. I receive Facebook messages and texts from people I had only just been thinking of. I run into people who had seamlessly entered my mind only moments before. I chose to focus on the magic. It is a choice. Sometimes I ask myself, am I kidding myself with all this stuff, is it just in my head? Cause I know a lot of people say it is, and then I think who bloody well cares. I’m happy taking life not so seriously and feeling like im having constant conversations with the universe. It brings me joy. And at the end of the day – this is the whole sweet point.

Ha, and as I finish this post I look at the clock, 1:11pm. Perfect.

Photos thanks to the gorgeously rad and talented Peni Stavropoulos. Follow her on Instagram – balloonsforlove. Pictures from Pinterest 

  • Coco McCarthy

    Hi Clare,

    Thank you for Fridays session. I was cleaning my house & just had to FYI you in that I’ve just found a tigers eye stone in my home.. Is that a sign or what? Also the other day you texted it was 1:22 freaky as it appears many ‘magic’ moments have manifested itself to me and my headspace has been clearing alot of crap. WoW – I can t thank you enough.

    This isn’t my testimonial, I shall write an eloquent version of my transitional journey with you.

    Many thanks

    Coco M xx

    Sent from my iPhone