How to NOT live a life of mediocrity

Again, as always, there have been signs!

Oh, and before I start, the whole being present and ‘I’m back’ is working a treat. So many opportunities since consciously starting it have allowed me to consciously practice it. Often in conversation it’s so easy for me to trail off in my mind, ready to jump in with an idea or thought, but this week I held back. I noticed my want to do it and regrouped using all my senses. In doing so I centred myself and focused just on the person I was with or what I was doing. I reminded myself that in this very moment I had chosen to be there. I brought passion to it. It made things so much more pleasurable and empowering. (I really don’t know why I’m surprised).


But the signs this week have all been leading towards – Following Your Bliss. They have been coming out of the woodwork.

I want to acknowledge something first though. I know how frustrating and overwhelming it can be to read or hear about someone else who has found their bliss. It can be annoying. Only a few years back did I say to the universe ‘What is my talent? What is it that I’m meant to be doing here?’ because I felt – lost and empty. I was envious of those who seemed to have worked it all out. I was envious of those who were happy in their day to day lives. After I asked the universe for help it took 8 months for me to hear the answer. No doubt the answer was replied straight away, however I still had 8 months of self sabotaging to get through before I’d hear it.

After falling head over heels for a guy who was so wonderfully WRONG for me I found solace in yoga. And while lying on the yoga mat waiting for the class one evening the answer came. I shot up from where I was lying with a surge of energy and knowingness, Kinesiology was what I was meant to be doing. (Remembering of course that I had received and loved Kinesiology for the past 3 years, it wasn’t like the modality popped out of thin air).


Once I started following my bliss though, everything started to fall into place. Dates and time off to study worked out effortlessly, people appeared to help me along the way, where one thing stopped another would start without me even having to worry, including part time jobs. Doors would literally open where there had only been walls. That’s not to say it’s been a complete walk in the park, but not once have I questioned it and the miracles that present themselves each and everyday allow me to commit more and more to knowing I’m following what I know to be my bliss.

Many people who claim to be following their bliss say we have been conditioned to look outside of ourselves for it, where in fact the bliss we so long for can only be found within. In my case I can fully agree, for it was once I turned inwards and silenced the mind that I was able to hear the call to action. As I said though, when I asked for help to know my calling it still took 8 months to hear the reply. There was still work to be done before I was ready.

‘To tap into and to understand your passion is to bring passion to everything you do’.

– Marie Forleo


Things quote brings me back to my desire to be more present. Home is inside of you. No where else. I had a bit of an ‘ah ha’ moment over the weekend thanks to The Wizard of Oz. I hated this movie when I was little. I was so scared of the wicked witch that I used to run and hide when scenes of her came on the screen. I’d then cautiously go back when I knew it was safe – oh how this is a metaphor for my own life!


However, now an adult and much (a little) less scared of the the/my wicked witch I realised just how powerful the messages are. The most obvious of course ‘there’s no place like home’.

At the end of the film Dorothy asks Glinda, the Good Witch, “Oh, will you help me? Can you help me?”

“You don’t need to be helped any longer,” A smiling Glinda answers. “You’ve always had the power to go back to Kansas.”

“I have?”

“Then why didn’t you tell her before?” Scarecrow demands.

“Because she wouldn’t have believed me. She had to learn it for herself.”

We have to sometimes stray from what we know to be right in order to acknowledge that this isn’t the life we want.

If you’re reading this wondering why you’re not living your bliss, well firstly acknowledge that in this moment everything is perfect and that you are learning what needs to be learnt in order to lead you to your bliss. Look back over your life and connect the dots. Go back to those times where you were excited and in flow and living life happily. Tap into why these moments are the ones you are taken back to.

If these are the things that bring you joy why are you not pursuing a life from them? Is it because of realistic excuses? Or just downright fear? What are the stories you tell yourself?

Fear comes in many forms. We fear we are not worthy of doing it, we fear rejection, we fear not knowing what the future looks like, we fear feeling anxiety. What we risk here however it NOT experiencing life to it’s fullest capacity. Life isn’t meant to be mediocre. It’s not.


We are always looked after, we just need to trust in this. It is that simple.

‘Learn to trust the power that holds galaxies together can handle the circumstances of our relatively little lives’. 

– Marianne Williamson

In the movie Dorothy says to the Scarecrow when he asks if he should see the wizard for a brain, ‘but even if you didn’t you would be no worse off than you are now’.

AND this is the point. If you don’t like the look of your life you have to do something different. It’s by taking action in a different direction that enables your life to start looking the way you want.


Have the courage to let go of the need to know HOW it will work out. Let it go. Believe me, this is hard, it’s one of my greatest lessons. But I implore you find methods/ modalities that allow you to consciously change this. The evidence will be plain to see in your reality and stress levels. The more you exercise this muscle of trust the bigger it gets. It really does.

As we welcome 2013 in a few weeks I can’t help but look back over the past year with amazement. I’m living the dream and you can too. In 2013 I want to be of service to as many people as possible, to help them to be the best versions of themselves, to assist them in learning to choose love over fear and to really acknowledge that they are entitled to live their bliss. I live my bliss. I want to help you experience the same thing.

If you’re reading this and you’re thinking YES I want to take that first step or that’s all good and well for others, but not me… go into your heart space and allow yourself to feel into what you imagine life to feel like, if you were living your bliss. If you can’t picture it, that’s ok, just close your eyes and feel it. Allow yourself to EXPERIENCE the feeling of bliss.

One mantra I live my life by is that the universe is infinitely abundant. You are entitled to feel this feeling of bliss more often than not. It’s your birth right.


‘And when you want something all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it’.

– The Alchemist

If this seems overwhelming – good. It’s the exact call to action you’re meant to be receiving. As Joseph Campbell said;

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek’.

– Joseph Campbell

It requires dedication to craft a life you truly love. But it’s so possible.

If you’re prepared to go on a treasure hunt – get in touch.

m 0408 359 922

Photos thanks to Pinterest

  • Trust. Abundance. Trust. Abundance.. I am going backwards and forwards between these two ideas this week! Doesn’t seem like I’ve ever really employed them!! Actually relieving.. thanks for another wonderful, thoughtful, intelligent piece Clare! xxxx

    • Thanks Kate. I appreciate your kind words. I’m reading A Return to Love by Marianna Willamson – it’s so good! Here’s a quote you’ll like;

      ‘If you think about it,’taking the bull by the horns’ would be very dangerous thing to do. In fact, ambitious tension actually limits our ability to succeed because it keeps us in a state of contraction, emotionally and physically. It seems to give us energy but doesn’t really, like the white sugar of mental health; there’s a short high, followed by a crash. The cultivation of mental rest, or surrender, is like eating healthy food. It doesn’t give us an immediate rush but over time it provides a lot more energy.’

      Our attempts to direct this force only interferes with it. Our willingness to relax into it allows it to work on our behalf.