Her first time.

It’s easy for me to say Kinesiology works magic, for I’m playing with it every day. But six years on, hand on my heart, each session still blows me away just like that first session did.

The words below are from a new client of mine. With her permission I asked if I could repost them. Her words warmed my heart and brought tears to my eyes. They reminded me of the power of sessions, of the power of being vulnerable and of turning to others for help when we need it.

If you’re curious about a session, but are apprehensive to spill your guts, spend the money, try something new – have a read. If her words resonate, if they offer you some form of hope, please consider a session.

Freedom, lightness, space, renewed faith – it’s truly what lies on the other side.

Good Morning Clare 🙂

I hope you’re having a fantastic day!

I was going to write to you yesterday but wanted to wait till day 3 since our first appointment to really let you know how I’m honestly feeling.

My first descriptive thought. I feel lighter. Since Monday evening my energy has changed, and man can I feel it. Not only that but people have noticed and made comments on how chirpy and happy I am. Which was pretty awesome to hear because I was feeling it.

My mind is not as troubled. I still have negative thoughts, and barriers are still there, so I’ve been keeping a diary for each day of any thoughts that cause anxiety.

Clare I just feel better. I wish I could describe it better but it’s difficult. It’s an energy, a heaviness that isn’t there or not as strong. I know I still have along way to go, but I know this is the right direction that I’m going in, and I’m very excited.

I wanted to share an experience I had today where I could identify my issue with shame, self worth and control all in one. I went to buy a protein shake from my local supplement store. My usual guy wasn’t there so another worker proceeded to make my shake. While he made it up we began to engage in very general healthy conversation about the day and what I do for work etc. He then asked me if I was studying? I answered “I have already finished”, he then asked me what I had studied and I replied “business management”. Now at this stage I was completely fine, he then asked “what university did you go to?” I immediately tensed up knowing that I hadn’t actually graduated from a university but from a college. Although the degree holds the same value as a university degree, I, in my head attributed shame to having completed it at a college and not a university, self worth by not being able to openly admit that to people, and control because I then quickly changed the topic so I wouldn’t have to answer the question.

It was the first time I could clearly see what was going on in my head and how wrong it was that I felt that way about my achievements or what other people may think. It was a big moment for me and even though I couldn’t correct my behaviour in that instance I will in the future because like you said, I need to trust that life has my back and that there are barriers that need to be broken down.

I’m sorry if this resembles an essay! It won’t be this long in the future but really wanted to express all this to you! Because I haven’t felt this great in years!

Thank you Clare. So glad the universe sent you to me. 🙂

Like I said, a session is never wasted. If I can be of any help at all – at all – come in. It might just be the thing to help you shift gear.

With all my love + gratitude, Clare.