Help! Comparison has stolen my joy.
Before I sit to write these posts I start mulling over ideas. And then the same thing happens each week. I get a little stuck and say out loud ‘Universe what is it that you would like me to say? What is the message for this week?’. And then I wait. And then it comes. So, for the first time I stopped the mulling of ideas quickly and just handed it over… as a result the dots joined quickly and what resulted is below.
The message from last weeks post was all about Following your Bliss. Now, one thing I am finding since starting these posts, whatever the message, I am forced to then live it. The good old practice what you preach.
So here I am, claiming to follow my bliss when what should happen – I start to question my bliss. I get tired. Really really tired. Exhausted. Not looking forward to seeing clients. Desperately waiting for the Christmas break to come along. Reminding myself to be present, while daydreaming of being away, in another place. What a failure – and there I go berating myself, another No No!
So as any responsible Kinesiology practitioner does, I took myself to see a Kinesiologist. It worked out that I’d been taking on the toxic redundant energy of those I had been balancing. Due to something that shocked my energy systems the week before I opened myself up and exposed myself to the energy my clients needed to get rid of. It explained my total exhaustion. I tell you, I’d never felt anything like it in my life.
The Kinesiologist I saw was someone I had not been to before and she was wonderfully inspiring. She worked very differently to me and tapped into a level of energy and consciousness and past life(ness) that I’m not ready to do in my own practice just yet. It threw me. While inspiring me and exciting me it gradually started to overwhelm me. Before I knew it I was questioning it all. I started thinking, why would people be coming to me? I should be sending them all to her. I felt like a fraud! The filters I look through started to quickly distort. Interestingly as well a lot of my clients last week re-arranged to this week. No one cancelled, they just shifted their times. It was a clear indication that something was awry.
I started researching into other things I could pick up. Extra skills, new things I could offer – And quickly. Anything that could get me up to speed so I too could work like this amazing woman.
And then the conversation came. Like magic. I mentioned to a mentor of mine that I was thinking of doing this course and that course and he more or less said, ‘why are moving away from what you love to do?’
It stumped me. Why was I trying to be someone else?
I love the coaching aspect of what I do. I really do. It’s what brought me to Kinesiology in the first place. The conversation was such a nice reminder that each and every person has their own thing to offer. Their own individual thing. When we work with our strengths we are happier. That’s not to say you ignore your less than best traits, or not work towards new skills, but there’s no need to focus on the scarcity. It only contracts the energy.
We know that gratitude encourages more of what we’re grateful for. So when we focus on what we don’t have, we end up with more of that. So it makes sense to give thanks and focus on the things that you currently do well and that currently bring you joy.
Be the best, at what you’re best at.
I often think to myself how incredible it is that each one of us is so individual. I have the absolute honour of hearing not only people’s stories but their stories based on the filters they currently see life through. During the session we get to play around with the different frequencies of words, colours, sounds, essences, oils, cells, muscles to help them get back to a place of equilibrium, where the filters become clear instead of distorted with old truths. No process is the same, EVER. Each body knows exactly what it needs to heal and it’s 100% individual. You simply cannot compare one person to the other.
A couple of hours after having this conversation with my mentor I was reminded by the Universe that I am to keep following the path I am on. After the conversation I received two of the most beautiful emails full of feedback from clients. It brought tears to my eyes. They spoke of the shifts they had experienced and the new awarenesses they had gained.
In doubting myself I was doubting THEIR ability to do the transforming.
This is something I cannot stress enough and something I need reminding of from time to time (clearly), that is, we don’t go to practitioners for them to fix us. We go so they can uncover and offer new perspectives, clean slates, opportunities for us to become better versions of ourselves. They don’t do this for us, WE DO IT. They just facilitate.
And so, like me going to see my Kinesiologist and then giving her all the power I realised that while she is magnificent I was going to her for a different perspective from the one I was offering myself. In this light, it is why she worked differently to me. It doesn’t mean I have to start working this way if I want to be good at what I do. I know I am good at what I do, because I am uniquely me.
I suppose the message for this week really is, that comparison is the thief of joy. It gets you no where. When I reminded myself of my WHY and my reason for doing what I do, it’s because when I am in that space of working with people, coaching, offering perspectives, highlighting people’s brilliance and strengths that I am most happy. It’s not when I’m floundering with some of the other aspects of kinesiology. These things will come in time. In the meantime though, the perfect people will be perfectly attracted to me for what I can offer right here, right now.
Everything in perfect timing.
I’m grateful for being thrown off track and given the opportunity to understand these messages from all angles. It strengthens me.
If in any way you are feeling a little flat about something try and take a step back and tune into where you might be comparing yourself to others and as a result disempowering yourself.
I believe the successful people are those that admire, learn and take from those further ahead of them, but still stand solidly in their own individual power by doing what they know to be their truth.
For today I invite you to celebrate your 100% individual uniqueness. With an open heart have the courage to offer this to the world. It’s rude not to.
Pics thanks to Pinterest
Kate Southward