Ego time vs Soul time
I’m currently making my way through Meggan Watterson’s Reveal – A sacred manual for getting spiritually naked.
My soul chose this one to read. You know those moments? Where it sits up, pays attention, does the online purchase for you. It was one of those.
It’s been a while since I’ve dived into a book. Especially a spiritual text. But when the time’s right, the time’s right. There are many more posts this book will inspire, in the meantime I’m going to invite you to sit with the following. For I believe this is a reminder we all need from time to time.
That is – to connect, reconnect, with the journey of our soul. To step out of our ego’s expectations. To be mindful of society’s. To catch ourselves when we’re getting carried away, sending ourselves down a futile spiral of ‘shoulds’ and ‘when?!’ and ‘what if I don’t get what I want in life and die miserable?’.
‘Everything in divine timing’ can be one of the most frustrating things to hear. When we want stuff we want it now, it’s how our society is geared – but what we think we want isn’t always in our highest good.
I know, annoying right?
The thing is, when you’re on the spiritual path, and you know if you are, it takes guts and courage and conscious living to be able to stay within this awareness of soulful purpose and highest good.
Sometimes though, a reminder is all we need.
Have a read of Meggan’s words below, they soothed something inside of me, I trust they’ll do the same for you.
These two stories are told in two different kinds of time: chronos and kairos.
Chronos, or chronological time, is linear, sequential ‘clock time’: this is where the ego lives and thrives. We often want time to unfold in this way, one event following the next and arriving just when we want it to arrive. Kairos, on the other hand, is nonlinear, sacred time – the right or opportune moment.
We can pray our butts off for something to happen, say finding a lover, or getting a car or house, or having a long awaited child. But then the person we meet ends up smothering us with love we weren’t ready for, or the car payments put us in debt and the house catches on fire, or the baby of our dreams has colic and we don’t sleep for two years straight. Then we realise that maybe, just maybe, in wilfully pursuing our ego’s desire, we tampered with sacred timing. Kairos is aligned with the highest truth for our lives, and being aligned with kairos means not always getting what we want when we want it.
Kairos is the sacred time needed for us to meet with not only what fulfils us but also what fulfils a need in the world. Kairos works on our soul’s timing, not the laminated timetable the ego has set up for our life. Kairos time allows things to unfold naturally; nothing is forced or contrived into being out of fear.
When we judge where we are in our lives and how much we’ve achieved, we do so from a place of chronos. Our judgements are based on expectations we set for ourselves: job by 25; married with children by 30; book published by 35; own business by 40, and so on to the grave. Many of us measure ourselves by these milestones without even examining them to see if they’re our own. Meaning some of these linear expectations are acquired through social osmosis. What shifts the weight of our baggage is simply choosing it. Owning the baggage as the particular story of our soul needed to live out allows us to claim it. And oddly enough, claiming it allows us to then let it go.
If you’ve read this thinking, yeah I get all that, but can’t seem to switch off the mind, detach from the outcome, let go – come in for a session.
Believe me, my own sessions are my saving grace. When I get in my head, when my darling ego gets the better of me, I have a session. And kairos times resumes.
Keep it in mind.
All my love x
And if you want to go deeper with this stuff, get yourself to a retreat. Ideally the Culburra Beach Retreat I’m running with Stella from Shiny Yoga. There are only a couple of spots left. Don’t miss out.
Want more info? Click here.