Don’t tell me you’re doing it too?

Do not spoil

I think you would agree that we’re all good at focusing on what we don’t have. Always wanting, craving, needing more. Assessing how we could have done it better, how we’re not quite there – yet, saying soon it will all be perfect. We’re not so good at being totally appreciative of where we’re at and what we have in this moment. We easily forget that in this moment we are exactly where we are meant to be. You’ve heard it before, cause it’s the truth. But by accepting that where you’re at is exactly where you are meant to be totally takes the pressure off. No?

I taught a class of 18 budding beginner Kinesiologists last weekend. Such an honour. And just like me, when I was a budding beginner I wanted to know it all THEN and THERE. I wanted to be perfect in my technique, in my questioning. I wanted to have it all, I didn’t want to wait and I judged myself for not being where I expected myself to be. As did they.


But the thing with putting pressure on ourselves to be somewhere we’re not ultimately takes the joy out of that present moment.

I do it still. Although I feel I’m getting much better at pulling myself out of it more quickly. Noticing when I’m doing it. Laughing at myself and then doing what I need to do to bring myself back to the present moment. It’s an old habit getting caught up in the wishful thinking… the desiring… it takes my focus off the now. I do it even in a yoga class. I’ll be half way through the class thinking, when can I get to the next class? Running my schedule through my head, picturing myself in classes later in the week. And then I realise – I’m already in a bloody yoga class! Why is my mind taking me to another yoga class that doesn’t even exist yet?

I do it with a lot of things. Soon I’ll be able to purchase this and everything will be perfect. Soon I’ll learn the next thing I need to learn and all will be well. Soon soon soon.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with a little desiring, with a lot of manifesting, with some imagining and planning. As the quote above states ‘what you have now was once among the things you only hoped for’. It’s good to dream – just as along as it’s not taking you away from living in the moment and appreciating all you have now.

When I came across the quote up top it made me think back over the past year and beyond that. I checked in with my current reality – and I was filled to the brim with gratitude. Life is just as I wanted it to be. Business, friends, home, life. All of it. I didn’t have it a year ago, because a year ago what I had then was perfect. Get my drift?

When I was little I used to apparently say ‘but I want it now’. My mum still imitates me when I say, ‘but I want it now’.

How ironic that my demand of wanting it now, takes me out of the now.

As I encouraged my students over the weekend, just enjoy where you are at. Everything has to be baby steps, not only does it create a solid foundation, but it the way of nature. Small steps. Nothing happens over night in nature, it’s a gradual process. And in each individual moment it is complete perfection.

People wait

Don’t waste your time thinking soon I’ll have it all. You have it all now. Dream big, but then detach, get out of your own way and let it happen, cause it will. Look back over your year, the evidence is there. In the mean time, celebrate all you have now, cause it’s worth celebrating.

Photos thanks to