Dear Universe, I’d rather be drunk…


I just re-watched Oprah’s interview with Marie, Mastin and Gabby. The first time I watched it I knew I would have to watch it again. The messages that weave in a out of the episode are wonderfully potent – I didn’t want to miss a single sentence.

As always, the signs are everywhere for the taking, but in this past week especially I’ve been open to receiving them.

Last Friday I was chatting with a friend who presented a point of view that has stuck with me all week and one I’ve felt compelled to share with nearly every client I’ve seen since then. It was regarding the present moment and daydreaming.

I’m a big daydreamer. I LOVE walking the streets, listening to tunes, living inside a world that exists only in my head. There is comfort in it. Safety in it. But lately I’ve noticed that passing the time this way isn’t sitting with me as well as it used to. During our discussion my friend made the point that effectively when we daydream we are taking ourselves out of the present moment and communicating instead to the universe, ‘Oi my current reality isn’t quite what I’m after, I’d much rather live in my fantasy land’. It’s almost like sticking your finger up at your reality, saying thanks but no thanks.

This perspective hit me like a tonne of bricks! It resonated at such a core level.

I spoke last week of the power of manifesting. Of being able to ask for something, to believe in it but then to ultimately detach from it. In the daydreams that play over in my mind the theme is the same and interestingly this theme isn’t one that is manifesting in my current reality. Interesting. I’m clearly not detaching.


Now don’t get me wrong a little bit of daydreaming is harmless and necessary. However when looking at it from the perspective of using it often to get out of your current reality – well, this is a different story. And to be fair my daydreams are all kinda the same, which is why it resonated so much. I had been so unconscious about it.

THEN the next sign came along. Super Soul Sunday with Oprah. I love a bit of Oprah. I do. She’s wonderful! She walks her talk and stands by her beliefs so unwaiveringly. She’s the ultimate inspiration. And then to have the 3 of them on there also – well, I was in hippy heaven.


Marie Forleo states that being present ‘is to bring life energy, your full attention to whatever is happening in your current moment’. To be disciplined in taking stock, using all of your senses to connect with and absorb your current surroundings. For this is where the magic lies. Not anywhere else. It lies in choosing to see the miracle of life at this very moment! She refers to it as ‘living in 3D’. Again this hit me like a tonne of bricks.


I know for myself, that I can be in the most wonderful location and I’ll be looking around taking it all in thinking to myself, wow I can’t wait to tell so and so about this, and I’ll prepare in my head how I’ll say it … and then I recap it with an alternate version – all the while removing myself from the present moment.

After mentioning my recent understanding of daydreaming to a client, she replied that she often gets herself back into the present moment by simply saying – ‘I’m back’. This enables her to reconnect with NOW.


I’ve been trying this technique since and it’s working. Although it is bringing to my attention just how often I am having to say it. No judegment of course, just an observation.

Of late there has been a lot of wanting to get out of the present moment. Working with clients in the space I do, allows me to be very much in the present moment with them. A honour that sends a vibration of love and gratitude throughout my entire being. But I’ve noticed of late, that if I’m not with a client, I’d quite like to not be in the present moment. Alcohol is an easy and ‘acceptable’ way to escape reality. Quickly as well. But it’s not serving me. It leaves me feeling sad. Disconnected. Lonely. And this is while I’m drinking it as well, not just the next day! So I asked myself over the weekend, what’s the point? There is none. Now please don’t get me wrong, I’m not bagging drinking or any other substance that removes you from reality. Everything has it’s time and place, in moderation (and sometimes not in moderation) BUT the problem for me – it’s no longer serving me.

As I mentioned at the beginning, the messages and signs have been coming through thick and fast, loud and clear, however in my haze I haven’t been paying attention. Thank goodness for ‘resist persist’ though, there really is no escaping! As Gabby says, ‘everything that comes up is waiting to be healed’.


During the interview, Gabby Bernstein says ‘now more than ever we need to be willing. That is, to be willing to know more, to choose to see things in a different way, a better way. To believe that what you need will be given to you. THEN most importantly to SHOW up to the assignments’. Show up to the assignments. She reminds us that this is not the time to go back into old habits, old addictions. It is time instead to have the courage to change and trust and honour the signs.

I’ve described before that kinesiology is magic. And I tell you, the things that come up in some sessions are so unexplainabley spot on, that it can only be explained as another force taking over.

During my studies we were taught to ‘trust the process’. When you do this, the session flows and the information the client needs surfaces effortlessly. As I mentioned before, during a session I am incredibly present. I am forced to be. I take pride in being so. I hang onto my client’s words. I listen for what they are ‘really saying’. I sit with the feeling space waiting for it to shift that tiniest bit to indicate that what they have just said is the clincher.

Recognising how happy I am in this space was when the penny dropped, or rather the bricks came down with a thud. For I realised that it is in these moments of being of service, of trusting in the process and of being present that I am incredibly happy.


Moving from my headspace to my heartspace allows me to experience life in a totally different way. It allows me to experience the miracle that is life. Cause let’s be honest, it is undeniably a miracle. I invite you, in this very moment, to take stock. Look around you, use all of your senses to appreciate exactly where you are in this very moment. It’s pretty darn special.

In the interview Mastin Kipp quotes Joseph Campbell ‘I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they looking for the experience of being alive‘. I want to experience life, all of it. In order to do this I have to be present. I want to be present. I choose to be present.

‘I’m back’.


Photos thanks to Pinterest 

To watch the Super Soul Sunday interview go to: