Category: Self Love

Shocking truths. Which I’m certain you can relate to.

What’s life like when you’re in the midst of Self loathing? Self judgement? Severe dislike of self? It’s pretty shit. Thoughts bounce about in your brain, endlessly, with no peace. Stories run rampant, over and over. You feel anxious in your chest, in your tummy. There’s an uneasiness, a tension that won’t seem to go away. You can feel paranoid,…

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How it works: Self Love & Nourishment e-course.

A few of you have been asking about what you’ll receive when you sign up for the 6 week Self Love & Nourishment e-course. Firstly though…  Self Love is the bedrock, the foundation, the be all and end all for achieving long lasting peace + happiness (in my opinion). We’ve gotta learn to love ourselves. WE JUST DO.  WHY? Because life gets…

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Can you relate?

‘If we are able to allow the fear or hate – embrace it, hold it, and feel it fully in its totality – in all its texture, colour, and vividness – we will give it space to be itself.’ – A. H. Almaas I’ve been reading The Unfolding Now by A. H. Almaas. The book is all about getting present…

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Self Love at 10 years of age.

I had the honour a few weeks back of working with one of my best friend’s daughters. She’s 10. She was having some stuff go on at school. Confidence stuff. She wanted to be able to talk to some of the popular girls but couldn’t muster the courage. She couldn’t quite find the words to talk to them and ultimately…

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A mixture of chemicals and soulfulness.

I received one of the nicest compliments the other night. My friend who I was travelling with made the comment that he loved being in my company because I allow myself to be 100% me. I was making toast on the floor of our cabin for the evening, singing badly, doing a dance on my knees, giggling away lost in…

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Jip and Janneke

They say everything in our reality is a reflection of us.Which must mean that the perfection you see in another is your own perfection staring back at you. And by perfection I mean realness, rawness and authenticity to the max. Not perfectness, but perfection. Because for me perfection lies in being and accepting all of you. Layer by layer. It’s…

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Anxiety sucks.

Do you know I’ve just realised in this very moment that it’s exactly one year today that I left the corporate world. That I left the security and the safety of a regular pay cheque. That I left the excruciating discontent of the role of was doing and moved into a role that brings me endless joy and endless lessons…

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How I create a life of happiness.

I just spent 10 days in Byron and I have to say it really is everything it’s cracked up to be. There is something about the place that aligns you, quietens you, takes you deeper and connects you with Mother earth and therefore yourself. I spent 7 of the days at a yoga retreat, hidden amongst the trees, surrounded by…

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Hands up – Who else is a judgmental cow?

 ‘All human beings are interconnected, one with all other elements in creation’. – Henry Reed I have strong faith in the theory that we are ALL connected. The spiritual and quantum physics books (I attempt and struggle to read) that speak of this connection resonate with me. When I think of this connection to ALL it makes me feel good…

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