Category: Sabotages

Why doubt is the key to living.

One of the best things about working with clients is that their issues are my issues. Working so intimately with their fears and insecurities allows me to understand my own even more. The heartfelt waffle that escapes my mouth is always the message I need to be telling myself. So when a theme starts to emerge I pay attention, and the…

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Broken Hearted

‘How long have you been home for?’ my Kinesiologist asked. ‘4 years’ I replied. ‘4 years’ she said a little surprised. And that’s when the reality really sunk in. I’d been nursing a broken heart for 4 years. Jeeeeeesus. At the beginning of the session the emotion that came up was ‘broken hearted’. We had to dig a little deeper…

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Help! Comparison has stolen my joy.

Before I sit to write these posts I start mulling over ideas. And then the same thing happens each week. I get a little stuck and say out loud ‘Universe what is it that you would like me to say? What is the message for this week?’. And then I wait. And then it comes. So, for the first time…

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Rejection – it hurts

I had a bit of an ‘ah ha’ moment over the weekend. An ephiphany if you will. And like all good epiphanies once they become apparent, you realise just how long you’ve been hanging on to a way of being that no longer serves you.  My ah ha moment – I so ain’t cool with rejection. I’m not. I fear…

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A love story

Before Kinesiology and I fell in love, I was…. Anxious, Manipulating, Self critical, Gossipy, Insecure, Unhealthy, Tired, Stressed and Un-self aware. Not all the time of course. But I was living unconsciously and it didn’t bode well for my reality. So what is Kinesiology exactly? What is it about this incredible modality that sees people tap into and admit the…

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Porn for the soul

  It seems only fitting that seeing my last post was about not identifying with the ego, that some tools on how to understand the sub conscious mind could be of use. Now I know I’m biased but for sub conscious obsessed peeps like myself kinesiology is the magic. Tapping into the subconscious mind is what it’s all about. However…

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