Category: Sabotages

Do you say “I should know better”?

I was chatting with one of my dear kinesiology mates. I explained I was feeling shame over a recent choice I’d made. Shame. Such an icky emotion. As Brene Brown says, “it’s at the opposite end of the spectrum to worth”, and while I spoke with my mate, there was no worth in my words. I was being hard and…

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Feeling sad? Try this.

I was on the train the other morning. Feeling sad. Sad sad. The kinda sad that hurts. Makes your stomach ache. Forces tears to fall. And I sighed. I sighed and silently begged for it to be over. For the pain to pass. I said to myself ‘tomorrow will be a better day’. And then I stopped. I reasoned, Who…

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With what you’re doing today are you going to achieve your goal?

With what you’re doing today are you going to achieve your goal? This was the question I was asked in class on Wednesday. And it made me straighten in my seat immediately and pay attention. It’s back to study for me. Some of you may recall I took off to Europe last year for 3 months to run the business…

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Vipassana – 10 days of silence. 10 days of torture.

‘I could never be silent for 10 days’ is most people’s reaction when you tell them you’re going to do a Vipassana 10 day silent meditation in the Blue Mountains. To which I would now reply ‘you totally could. In fact you would enjoy the silence so much you’ll hate it when it comes back to actually talking, truly’. If you’re…

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My latest Elephant Journal post: Are you addicted to pleasure?

  When you feel sad, anxious, depressed, any heavy emotion – what do you do? Do you run back to pleasure? I know I do. Food. Booze. Sex. Meditation. Yoga. Relationships. There are tonnes of ways we do it. But what if we don’t run back? What if we we’re ok in the pain? Like really ok. Life is a…

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Cancer. The guts of life.

It’s a funny thing when a loved one gets diagnosed with cancer. Well, not funny, but it’s a rather strange experience. There’s a lot of waiting. A lot of uncertainty. A lot of phone calls. And a heap of fear.  I saw Gabby Bernstein speak a few weekends ago. In the audience there was a woman who had been diagnosed…

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‘What have you really achieved this year?’ Said the Ego.

As the year draws to a close it’s tempting to get caught up in ‘what have I really achieved this year?’ It’s easy for the comparison to kick in. Facebook and Instagram are great tools for this. And yes yes, you’ve probably heard that when the need to compare kicks in, we should reframe it by understanding, deep down we…

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Being Single.

I said, ‘I’m excited to travel on my own for a bit, meet some new people, make some new friends.’ He replied, ‘New friends? You need more friends? I know people who say, Oh I’m going to stay with my friend in France. You say I’m going to stay with my friends in Europe. And you mean it. AND, look…

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7 simple things to do when you’re feeling blue, anxious & blah…

1. Go for a walk. Get those endorphins pumping. Clear the head. Move to music. Walk underneath trees. Soak up their life force. Jump in the sea. Marvel at everything around you! 2. Journal. Type. Get it out of your head and onto another medium. Putting pen to paper is incredibly cathartic. It does good things to the brain. And if…

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Why your true potential depends on this.

If you’re at all interested in understanding WHY we so often sabotage ourselves take the time to check out Marie Forleo’s interview with Todd Herman. In this he explains the difference between the OWW brain and the WOW brain. The OWW brain is the brain that spits out stories of ‘I’m not really feeling this.’ Or ‘I don’t like this feeling…

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