Category: Kinesiology

Come experience the Vibrational Vortex

I had a Kinesiology session a couple of weeks back in which we looked at my goals. Established where and why I wasn’t aligned with them and then realigned me to them. It was a big session. If I’m honest I felt I had spent a good part of the new year floundering. Don’t get me wrong, life was still…

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Anxiety sucks.

Do you know I’ve just realised in this very moment that it’s exactly one year today that I left the corporate world. That I left the security and the safety of a regular pay cheque. That I left the excruciating discontent of the role of was doing and moved into a role that brings me endless joy and endless lessons…

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Free love with a profit margin

 ‘A responsible attitude towards money is one in which we’re open to whatever comes, and trusting that it always will.’ – Marianne Williamson I have my own business. I survive on me alone. It’s thrilling and rewarding and challenging and scary. I have to make money. If I don’t, then I have a problem. After having 3 weeks off over…

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How I create a life of happiness.

I just spent 10 days in Byron and I have to say it really is everything it’s cracked up to be. There is something about the place that aligns you, quietens you, takes you deeper and connects you with Mother earth and therefore yourself. I spent 7 of the days at a yoga retreat, hidden amongst the trees, surrounded by…

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Broken Hearted

‘How long have you been home for?’ my Kinesiologist asked. ‘4 years’ I replied. ‘4 years’ she said a little surprised. And that’s when the reality really sunk in. I’d been nursing a broken heart for 4 years. Jeeeeeesus. At the beginning of the session the emotion that came up was ‘broken hearted’. We had to dig a little deeper…

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2013 – The secret to doing it properly.

At a Conscious Club event earlier in the year Dr Joe Dispenza spoke. As soon as he got on stage he asked the 400 audience members to put up their hand if they believe their thoughts create their reality. Being at an event called Conscious Club you can safely assume that most put up their hand. He then asked the…

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Hands up – Who else is a judgmental cow?

 ‘All human beings are interconnected, one with all other elements in creation’. – Henry Reed I have strong faith in the theory that we are ALL connected. The spiritual and quantum physics books (I attempt and struggle to read) that speak of this connection resonate with me. When I think of this connection to ALL it makes me feel good…

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Help! Comparison has stolen my joy.

Before I sit to write these posts I start mulling over ideas. And then the same thing happens each week. I get a little stuck and say out loud ‘Universe what is it that you would like me to say? What is the message for this week?’. And then I wait. And then it comes. So, for the first time…

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Dear Universe, I’d rather be drunk…

I just re-watched Oprah’s interview with Marie, Mastin and Gabby. The first time I watched it I knew I would have to watch it again. The messages that weave in a out of the episode are wonderfully potent – I didn’t want to miss a single sentence. As always, the signs are everywhere for the taking, but in this past…

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