Category: Kinesiology

Scared beyond belief

It was my 2 year anniversary last weekend. 2 years since I started the business. 2 years since I took that ‘leap of faith’ we so often talk about. 2 years since I moved from a place of Burden to Bliss… And it got me thinking back to the when it all started. How riddled I was with nervousness and…

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True success. Transformation or Evolution?

One of my most favourite things is hearing someone speak a truth, so simple, but so resounding that everything in your being sits up and pays attention. Do you know what I mean? This happened on the weekend. I was in class, learning all things kinesiology when my teacher said; ‘True success lies not in transformation but in evolution’. I…

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I made you a gift! Make sure you don’t miss out.

EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique In order to make the most of your FREE gift I thought it best to write a short post about What it is, How to use it and ultimately WHY it’s one of the best anxiety and stress reducing techniques around! WHAT IS EFT? EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique – that is, it frees you…

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How I can help you.

How I can help. In Coaching we often refer to the Wheel of Life, this being your overall life broken down into Life Categories. Career, Finances, Health, Relationships, Spirituality etc. If there is one area of your life that you feel is letting down your wheel, then take some responsibility and work out WHY. In a Kinesiology + Coaching session…

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Wanna be rich? Here’s how.

One of the biggest things I’ve learnt this year – is to NOT freak out. Rewind to February this year. I was sitting in the park across from my flat in a serious state of panic. How was I going to pay my bills? How was I going to attract enough clients? How the hell was I going to make…

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Have the life you want in 5 easy steps.

A while back I came across the following blog post from the Daily Love. I remember reading the following line and thinking – yep, that pretty much sums it up. Ask. Believe. Act. Let go. Receive. So I thought I’d write a little bit about each point. If you can move through your days, weeks, months with this sort of…

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You write about it, you live it.

‘Hold on lightly not tightly is the Aries eclipse message. Maintaining a light attachment to relationships, situations and outcomes proves wise’. We’ve just had an eclipse and so when I came across this on the weekend I had to laugh. After writing my post last week about detachment and the power of it, the peace and centerd-ness that comes from…

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Wanna know how to find inner peace?

I’ve been seeing a Coach + Kinesiologist (a couple in fact) for the past 5 years. On and off. And what surfaces in most sessions is a common theme. The topics, the people, the situations change, but the theme, it remains the same. Detachment! Detach from the outcome, let go of expectations, release the need to know and release the belief…

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7 simple steps to loving YOU.

7 simple steps to loving YOU. 1. It’s time to be nice to yourself. For anyone who has been on ‘the journey’ for a while you would have come across the statement, ‘Treat yourself as you would your best friend’. The power in this statement! I want you to have a think about how you treat your friends. I bet…

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For my clients: You need to read this.

I’ve been receiving the most amazing feedback from clients the past few months. I really have, and I’m proud to say it. Sititng on the train last night coming home from a day in clinic I allowed myself to take part credit for their shifts, for their progress. I allowed myself to sit and bask in it. This is a…

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