Category: Gratitude

Can you relate?

‘If we are able to allow the fear or hate – embrace it, hold it, and feel it fully in its totality – in all its texture, colour, and vividness – we will give it space to be itself.’ – A. H. Almaas I’ve been reading The Unfolding Now by A. H. Almaas. The book is all about getting present…

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Self Love at 10 years of age.

I had the honour a few weeks back of working with one of my best friend’s daughters. She’s 10. She was having some stuff go on at school. Confidence stuff. She wanted to be able to talk to some of the popular girls but couldn’t muster the courage. She couldn’t quite find the words to talk to them and ultimately…

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These are a few of my favourite things…

Laughing uncontrollably with friends where words and half sentences are enough to keep you in hysterics. When the train comes – just as I get to the platform. When I sneeze and then discover a tissue in my bag. Iphones. For making life so much easier. Airports. Taking off. Arriving. Meeting and picking up friends. Random encounters with strangers who…

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I bet you’re so wrong about this.

When I was working in corporate a few years back, disliking it greatly, I came across the following question; “What would happen if everything I thought was ‘wrong’ was actually ‘right’?” It’s from Conversations with God and I remember writing it on a post it note and sticking it on my monitor. Each day I would read it and remind…

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A mixture of chemicals and soulfulness.

I received one of the nicest compliments the other night. My friend who I was travelling with made the comment that he loved being in my company because I allow myself to be 100% me. I was making toast on the floor of our cabin for the evening, singing badly, doing a dance on my knees, giggling away lost in…

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Hyperventilating with excitement.

It’s been a busy year so far. And thank goodness. When you’ve got your own business you want busyness. You want days filled with work. You want the exact opposite of sitting idle. But – you do need a break. I’ve got a 2 week holiday coming up. Road trippin’ down south with a dear friend. A friend whom I…

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Looking for someone to blame? Blame your ancestors.

In sessions with clients we clear traumatic/ stressful memories (ie energy blockages) in present time. What we also do is clear energy blockages from where they originated. The subconscious mind keeps these memories stored in order to protect you from future stressful circumstances. When we experience a perceived stress the cells in our body are affected. The cells in our body…

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Come experience the Vibrational Vortex

I had a Kinesiology session a couple of weeks back in which we looked at my goals. Established where and why I wasn’t aligned with them and then realigned me to them. It was a big session. If I’m honest I felt I had spent a good part of the new year floundering. Don’t get me wrong, life was still…

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Anxiety sucks.

Do you know I’ve just realised in this very moment that it’s exactly one year today that I left the corporate world. That I left the security and the safety of a regular pay cheque. That I left the excruciating discontent of the role of was doing and moved into a role that brings me endless joy and endless lessons…

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Free love with a profit margin

 ‘A responsible attitude towards money is one in which we’re open to whatever comes, and trusting that it always will.’ – Marianne Williamson I have my own business. I survive on me alone. It’s thrilling and rewarding and challenging and scary. I have to make money. If I don’t, then I have a problem. After having 3 weeks off over…

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