Category: Gratitude

Vipassana – 10 days of silence. 10 days of torture.

‘I could never be silent for 10 days’ is most people’s reaction when you tell them you’re going to do a Vipassana 10 day silent meditation in the Blue Mountains. To which I would now reply ‘you totally could. In fact you would enjoy the silence so much you’ll hate it when it comes back to actually talking, truly’. If you’re…

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My latest Elephant Journal post: Are you addicted to pleasure?

  When you feel sad, anxious, depressed, any heavy emotion – what do you do? Do you run back to pleasure? I know I do. Food. Booze. Sex. Meditation. Yoga. Relationships. There are tonnes of ways we do it. But what if we don’t run back? What if we we’re ok in the pain? Like really ok. Life is a…

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If you get anxiety, open this up!

In Gabby Bernstein’s workshop a few weeks ago she made the following comment ‘the presence of fear is when we are relying on our own strength’. This statement has been huge for me. Whenever I get a trigger of anxiety and fear i.e. I start worrying about something in the upcoming future based on something from my past, I return to this…

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Cancer. The guts of life.

It’s a funny thing when a loved one gets diagnosed with cancer. Well, not funny, but it’s a rather strange experience. There’s a lot of waiting. A lot of uncertainty. A lot of phone calls. And a heap of fear.  I saw Gabby Bernstein speak a few weekends ago. In the audience there was a woman who had been diagnosed…

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Soul of Sydney – A very Soulful Thank You

  So one thing I harp on about, a lot, is that we’re vibrational beings. Meaning we’re made up of energy, lots of it. And this energy of ours vibrates at certain frequencies. And it’s these frequencies which are influenced by the thoughts we think, the foods we eat, the situations we put ourselves in. Some things raise our vibration,…

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No Dickhead Policy

I went to Meredith Music Festival over the weekend. It was one of the best festivals I’ve been to. One stage, no stalls selling unnecessary stuff, good people, all with the same intention – to have a good time and to have a boogie. Honestly, doing this, under the trees, under the night sky – it brings me bucket loads…

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My latest Elephant Journal post: Getting into the Vortex

It’s not easy when our external world is the exact opposite of what we want. It’s hard to maintain faith, a commitment to our dreams and desires when it feels like all our prayers are going unanswered. I’ve worked with loads of clients over the years who have wanted boyfriends, babies and new jobs. And at the immediate time it feels…

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Travelling Solo – the awful uncomfortableness of it.

There was a time when dining alone, checking into a hostel alone, wandering the streets alone made me feel awfully uncomfortable. Now (thankfully) there is a sense of total empowerment that comes with being ok to be alone. To feel confident and secure within this vulnerability. For me, this ok-ness creates space for me to observe and absorb. Observe. Absorb….

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South of France – The ridiculousness of it.

I lived in Nice for a couple of years a few lifetimes back. I had wanted to go to Paris. I emailed my dear friend Natalie, who had lived in France to get some tips. She immediately replied – ‘Paris in summer? No. Go to Nice!’  So off I went, no visa, no job. Just a yearning heart for my…

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Being Single.

I said, ‘I’m excited to travel on my own for a bit, meet some new people, make some new friends.’ He replied, ‘New friends? You need more friends? I know people who say, Oh I’m going to stay with my friend in France. You say I’m going to stay with my friends in Europe. And you mean it. AND, look…

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