Be ok to f#ck up.
‘If there’s one thing I’ve learnt about you over the years, if you say you’re going to do something, you do it’.
I was chuffed. Totally totally chuffed.
For me, there is something so sexy, so brilliant, about people taking action, following through on stuff, honouring their word.
So to have this comment directed at me, well, I was a little pleased with myself.
Back in January when I visited this friend we said how cool it would be if I ran a workshop in Berlin. And I thought, yeah imagine.
But the seed was planted.
And the seed grew. A force greater than me saw me booking flights, getting the business more online, saw me networking with a yoga studio in Berlin.
And so the workshop happened.
Now let me just say, up to the very minute people started arriving at the workshop I wondered if anyone would come.
Ego: ‘People won’t come. Who do you think you are that people would come?’
Spirit: ‘Chill ego, chill, they’re going to come. Those who need to hear this message will appear. Just wait and see’.
And then as I sat before 9 Berliner’s I said, ‘I can’t believe you’re here!’.
But of course I did believe it.
I had said to my friend the night before the workshop, ‘you know I’ve chatted with the Universe and asked for the right people to be guided to the workshop. I trust people will come’.
To digress for just a moment – Talking to the Universe, asking it to guide people to me, this is my greatest marketing tool. I shit you not. People will often say, how do you get your client base? And I’m like ‘Ummm, I talk to the Universe’.
Get talking. I’m no more special, no more connected, no more enlightened. Believe me. It wants you to help people. It’s that simple.
But to return to the beginning part of this post, the way I see it, I’ve upheld my end of the bargain. I act. I follow through. I show up, even when I’m nervous as shit and quacking in my boots.
In the workshop I ran in Berlin and the one I’m running on the 15th November in Sydney with the gorgeous Stella from Shiny Yoga we look at all things Manifesting. We look at Traditional Chinese Medicine and the role the Law of 5 elements plays in it. We specifically look at the Earth element. Which is all about taking ACTION.
Without the action, the ideas, the goals, the intentions are just hot air. This earth element is where the manifesting stuff really kicks off.
If you find you have trouble following through on stuff, taking action, getting things moving come to the workshop. Hear what we have to say. It might just be the missing puzzle piece to you living the life you so deeply desire.
And if you don’t come to the workshop, I implore you to do the following things:
- Do the shit that scares you. I mean it. Just do it.
- Say yes. Even when you think, ‘nahhhh I couldn’t do that’, say yes anyway. You’ll work it out. I promise you. You. Will. Work. It. Out.
- Be totally ok to fuck up. Cause sometimes, you do fuck up. But that’s wonderfully awesome, because it means you’re taking action and to be honest, ‘All rejection is just a cosmic redirection’. – Hollie Holden.
Take it.And come to the Workshop. You’ll love it.
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Clare Woodward is a Kinesiologist, transformational coach, writer, speaker and considers herself a true manifesting Queen. She is insanely curious and fascinated by the workings of the mind and spirit, and understanding how these influence our experiences, in our current reality. She loves the kookiness of all things energy and gets a kick out of synchronicities, soulful encounters and hugging trees. Follow her at Woodward Institute and find her on Facebook.
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