A special thank you to my clients.

Mardi Gras weekend marks the 4 year anniversary – of when I left corporate and stepped into life as an entrepreneur.

And so it seems only fitting that this weekend marks the anniversary of when I began to really step into my truth. A weekend where people fabulously come together to celebrate who they are and how they are in the world.

It is the weekend I took my leap of faith, of where I stepped fearlessly away from what I knew (that’s a complete lie, I was riddled with fear) and left behind a guaranteed (is it ever really guaranteed?) pay cheque and stepped into the complete unknown.

Cause it was unknown. I had no idea what lay ahead. None.

A week before I finished up at my corporate gig I asked at the front desk of my yoga studio, ‘Do you have any part time reception/ cleaning toilets/ work available?’.

They said ‘Come in for a chat’. 

We chatted. But as it worked out, they didn’t have any work. They liked the fact I had my feet on the ground. Said they could do with my energy around the place. They’d be in touch – when something came up.

I left feeling heavy. I had no savings. I had no regular clients.

What I did have though was this feeling I couldn’t shake. A feeling that if I just stuck at it, kept connected to faith, everything would be ok.

At 5pm, on my last day in corporate I received an email from the yoga studio. It said, ‘Could you start on Monday?’

This yoga studio I speak of is the same one I currently run my sessions from. I started on their front desk, cleaned toilets, mopped floors and bit by bit built up my clinic in their wellness space. I was prepared to do whatever I needed to do, to get money coming in, so that I could keep a roof above my head and still spend time working on my craft. It was grim at times – I hate mopping floors.

Fast Forward to Now.

As I mentioned in my recent post, I’ve been in/ still am in a period of transition.

Things have changed. Dramatically. Subtlety. Divinely.

I’ve created, manifested, learnt, failed, messed up, flourished.

And more than anything over these 4 years, the energy work, my intuition, it’s amped up.

I worked with a client during the week who I hadn’t seen in a while, a long while. The session still gives me chills, the good kind. She kindly observed how different my style and ability was. And it’s true, it is.

And this is thanks to you.

I have had the complete honour of working with some of you for these past 4 years. Marriages have happened, babies have been had, jobs quit, gone back to, abusive relationships ended, connection to spirit – reunited. An understanding of self, where there’s no turning back. 

It is such a privilege to hear your stories, your perceptions of life. 

To hear your history. 

To play, together, in your field. Cleansing. Clearing. Aligning. 

To be part of your journey, to discover more of who you are, who we are, to tune in – hear from your spirit, your soul… words can’t do this honour justice. 

And here’s the thing…

Without you, without you showing up, without your trust in this work and in me, I wouldn’t be where I am now.

From my depths, I thank you. 

And so it’s in this time of transition I’m finding my new voice. My new way of being in the world. I’m still the same, but I’m so not.

I’m off to Hawaii end of April. Kauai Island. Heart charkra of the Earth. (I know right! Heart. Chakra. Of. The. Plaaaaaneeeet! Say it like Oprah would.)

I’ve been drawn there.

There’s some shamanic work on the cards.

It’s where I need to be for a bit.

I can feel it.
It’s time for a new level of truth to be accessed.
So I can be more me and so I can be better for you too. 

If you’re after a session before I leave, get in touch, hit reply. Come have a tune up. Clear some static. Clear some gutsy stuff. Get aligned. Let’s play!

And I’m always available on Skype. Which I know a few of you don’t dig. Totally fine. I’ve got lots of colleagues I’d love you to experience. And I’ll be back.

Either way, get in touch whenever you need.

And again, thank you xo