A love story
Before Kinesiology and I fell in love, I was….
Anxious, Manipulating, Self critical, Gossipy, Insecure, Unhealthy, Tired, Stressed and Un-self aware. Not all the time of course. But I was living unconsciously and it didn’t bode well for my reality.
So what is Kinesiology exactly? What is it about this incredible modality that sees people tap into and admit the things they are most afraid of? That allows them to use their vulnerabilities to create the life they want? Let me get a little clinical for a moment, as the explanation tends to get lost in translation. You start talking about meridians and muscles and people are off thinking about what they are going to have for dinner…
The easiest way to understand Kinesiology – We balance triangles.
That is, our triangle is our physical body, our emotional/ mental body and our biochemical body. They make up the 3 sides.
When our triangle is in a state of equilibrium we are in a better position to deal with whatever life throws at us.
When our triangle is in balance the energy systems of our body, our meridians (those things acupuncturists stick needles into) are in a state of flow. When things are flowing we are happy. Plain and simple. It was through chiropractics that they identified that each organ and muscle is connected to a meridian. We are therefore able to use the physical body, the muscles, to identify where there are blockages in the energy pathways. If there is a blockage we can unblock it with a whole range of tools and techniques. AND THE BEST BIT, the body tells you what it needs. I’m not doing any guessing work. I’m merely interpreting what the body tells me.
The body has an innate ability to heal itself. It has all the answers. YOU have all the resources and answers you need. Learn to read the body and you’ve got in front of you everything you’re searching for.
Effectively Kinesiologists are body electricians, rewiring the energy systems of the body.
Throw in a goal for context and you’ll have yourself a powerful shift in energy towards what YOU WANT. This is key. We get clear on what it is you want. Whether is be, happiness, or a job promotion, or a relationship, or better sex or more money or for your headaches and back pain to go away. We get clear on what it is that will make you happy. Then we energetically align you with it.
As we know, what we vibrationally omit is what we vibrationally attract. You get clear on what you want and align yourself energetically, and this my friends means you have in your hot little hand the power to attract exactly what you want. Like magic.
People often question my optimism and positivity and belief that we can create our own reality. I don’t judge them for being cynical. Without understanding just how powerful we are and how much we can control it, it is understandable to not realise just how much potential we have. Through this wonderful modality it’s possible to make things possible. It makes thoughts become actions which create your new reality.
Kinesiology for me was freedom – freedom from past hurts and from a head space filled with self-critical conversations. It allowed me to recognise what I was omitting. Where I was limiting myself. It allowed me to take responsibility for my shit. It allowed me to admit I wasn’t perfect and to be ok with this. Once I did this I then had the space to start dreaming and envisioning and creating a person and life I was proud of.
Change your perception of how you see yourself and your whole world changes. You can then RESPOND to the circumstance based on a neutral perception as opposed to one emotionally charged which sees you protecting yourself. Remember, the sub conscious mind will do whatever it can to protect you, to keep you in a place it recognises. By reworking the mind, you can then reinforce a new way of thinking, a new way of being.
It takes courage to look at your own stuff. It’s so easy to point the finger outwards and blame this and that for not being happy. But if we really take stock and check in you’ll see that when you point the finger you have three pointing straight back at you. I guarantee, that those three fingers are highlighting something you are vulnerable about.
We can’t control others. We can’t. We can only control ourselves and how we react to things. As I mentioned in my last post, learn to respond instead of reacting and you’ll have yourself a much more harmonious balanced happy life.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not suggesting that we should go through life doing cartwheels and chanting Ommmm in every moment. We need to experience the crap, but we do have a choice in how long we stay in it.
I saw a gorgeous client during the week and she said at the end of our session, ‘I love this stuff – cause it works’. Ah Ha!!! EXACTLY. It works. It totally works. Each and every session I have the privilege of being apart of something which amazes me. Where the mind and body takes you – you couldn’t write a better script. And the best bit, half way through the session when everything is a little up in the air and the dots are still to be connected, the perfect piece of information surfaces and everything starts to piece together. Like magic. As I said, if you’re willing to the listen, the body will tell you exactly what it needs.
For me, this is my love story.
Photos thanks to Pinterest, http://pinterest.com/clarey22/
Kate Southward