You don’t do life by itself, you do it with other people
This weekend I experienced something that teachers have been telling me since I did my teachers course – ‘you don’t really learn something until you have to teach it’.
Each week when I sit down to write this blog I think to myself what is that I’d like to share? What is it of relevance that I’ve experienced or observed that I think might reach people? Even if it’s just one person. I know how much I deeply appreciate reading someone else’s thoughts and perspectives and thinking, ‘yes, that makes perfect sense’. I feel connected to the writer and best yet I feel better after reading it. It is my intention to connect in the same way.
In Kinesiology there is a particular balance called Reactivity. Effectively we identify how one part of your being – muscles, meridians, your biochemicals are throwing you off kilter due to a reaction with another part of your being. Energetically our systems react to life by either flowing or blocking. As a result we then experience it in our physical body. We are energy, plain and simply this is what we are. When we experience pain in the body we are experiencing what we call ‘over energy’ in the body. Relieve this over energy and we relieve the pain – physical, emotional, spiritual.
Essentially we are reactive beings. We react to everything. It governs our existence. We see someone, we react. We go somewhere, we react. We read something, we react. Ultimately if you are able to control your reaction, you are able to instead respond. When we respond we get the opportunity to detach emotionally, and instead of feeling threaten and contracted we can respond how we choose to. As I said we react to everything. People, food, our environment, our hormones, our chakras, our thoughts, our emotions, our cells. It’s huge when you think about it.
Kinesiology found me when I was highly reactive. I was in a state of panic, anxiety, fear. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t relax, I was charged, highly charged. I had made certain decisions in my late teens, early 20’s and behaved in certain ways that resulted in a falling out with a girl from highschool. It’ was highschool stuff, it happens. But the guilt of how I behaved haunted me for years.
As I said, kinesiology found me and as a result I was able to accept and forgive – myself. Thoughts that plagued me for years were relieved. I stopped reacting to myself, to the past, to anxiety of the future. It was freedom. My body relaxed, I started sleeping properly, I started thinking clearly, I stopped berating myself. I could finally take responsibility for myself and move on to the next lesson life would present me with.
A huge part of being on this self love train is that you have to discover, admit and love your shadow self stuff. You have to own ALL of you. Acceptance is letting go.
If what I am saying is that we react to everything, then it’s possible that we react to our shadow self as well. If we can learn to instead respond we are able to make friends with our shadow qualities. Which means we live harmoniously rather than against ourselves.
Would you believe as well, that on the day reactivity was taught I ran into the girl I speak of above. It was pleasant. She wasn’t thrilled to see me, in fact she tried to ignore me, but I said ‘hi’. Not because I wanted to make her feel uncomfortable, not because I was being the bigger person, but because I am no longer reactionary to her or what happened.
The universe is constantly talking to us.
How nice.
My teacher said when explaining this balance, that you don’t do life by yourself. We do life with other people. If this is true, and I believe it is, then having a tool to be able to consciously flow with life as opposed to resisting and contracting against it is such a treat.
You’ve probably gathered by now that kinesiology rocks my world. It is freedom and love and magic. It makes tangible, stuff that appears intangible.
I’ve had this technique come up loads before with clients. Loads. But this weekend, I really understood the magnitude of the freedom it offers.
If you want to be free from something you’re reacting to – I have the answers. Let me rephrase that, YOU have the answers, I however can assist with how to tap into them for you. If you’re interested in receiving the love and some magic give me a call. You won’t regret it.
Photos thanks to