Your always available… personal healer.

Are you aware… you have at your disposal, your own direct line of communication with the guidance you desire?

Guidance about your life, your health, your relationships, your career and vocation. 

About your future. (Everyone wants to know about their future). 

And we forget, or don’t even realise, that we have this direct line of communication.

Instead, we’ve been conditioned to believe that pretty much anyone else other than us has the answers. Family. Friends. Therapists and healers.

And it’s simply not true. 

We have the answers.

We hold all the wisdom and solutions to our challenges, worries and fears.

We have an innate ability to connect with the truth our spirit and soul holds.

One way to access this innate ability is to learn to Journey and to Connect with Your Power Animal. 

A couple of quick facts…

1. Journeying is a Sacred Ancient Shamanic practice. And it’s simple and easy to do. And with a little patience and an open heart and mind anyone can do it.

2. Your Power Animal is a helping spirit, a guide, a healer… and they’ve been assigned to you on a soul level. They’re part of your energetic hierarchy… your invisible council.

And it is through these two things, Journeying and your Power Animal that you’ll be able to experience everything written above. The answers. The wisdoms. A deeper connection with your spirit and soul.

The next Meet Your Power Animal workshop will be: 

Sunday 17th February, 2019 at 9:30am – 1:30pm.

$120, includes a Resonates Essence to work with for home support. 

By attending the initiation workshop, you’ll then be able to attend the fortnightly Shamanic Class.

These classes focus on a different intention each fortnight.


Clearing Your Energetic Body and Protecting it

Manifesting, Law of Attraction 



The Inner Child

The Inner Teen

With more topics and more courses to come.

At each class you’ll receive useful info, you’ll Journey twice – to receive healings and guidance …

And you’ll be amazed at how good you feel afterwards. When the light comes on through, the experience is nothing short of magic. And who doesn’t want more magic in their life?!

Shamanic healing is a practice. A discipline. A commitment.

And when you follow through, it pays off in bountiful ways.

I’d be honoured to share it with you.

Hit reply if you’re keen, only a few places left. Would LOVE to have you at it.

Wishing you a magical & prosperous day!
Clare xo