Why this trip was different.
Something was very different about this trip. Very different. And it was only once I got back I realised why. I was really really content the whole time. Satisfied. Present.
I wasn’t craving for things to be different. I was satisfied with whatever was unfolding. I wasn’t wishing the company to be different. I drank my drinks slower. I didn’t over think stuff and I didn’t panic (and there were a few times I could/ should have panicked).
This time round, there was more grace, more trust and more flow. And, it was abundant to boot.
Abundance for me isn’t just money and money stuff. It is this, but it’s also the company I keep and the moments I experience.
Every single soul I met, every single one, from shopkeepers to travel companions, they lifted me up and got me excited and proud to be human. I manifested opportunities and situations which left me super grateful.
So as always, I reflected on what was different. And I realised, my thinking was different. My mindset was more detached. And I was more at peace with myself and with myself in the world.
And here’s why…
Energy Work.
I have regular energy sessions. Kinesiology sessions, energy sessions, past life sessions. I balance myself. I journal. I meditate. I use tapping, kinesiology techniques (I’ve written two ebooks with loads of these techniques), I use the resources available to me. I do this monthly, fortnightly, daily depending on what’s going on. And even if things are flowing, I still do a session of sorts once a month.
I don’t do this from a place of desperation, I’m quite happy to say I’m an energy junkie. I do them regularly to keep myself clear and connected.
I’ve been working like this for about 3 years, but it’s only in the last 9 or 10 months things have really started to fall into place. That is, I’ve started to TRUST myself, my intuition, my guides, my angels, the Universal life force which is always guiding us.
I’ve learnt to manage my ego (thank you Kinesiology) and I’ve learnt to trust that whatever’s unfolding is perfect, exact, just as it’s meant to be. That is, I’ve started to get out of my own bloody way.
This allowed me to be led to the most magical of places on this trip. It saw me drop to-do lists. To say yes to things which were not logical, but soulfully, felt so right. I was able to talk to my guides and be led.
Do what you need to get yourself clear and keep yourself clear. Like I said, it’s been a few years of doing this stuff, but sweet jesus it’s worth it.
Power of Intention. And I mean the POWER of it.
Just before I left I had dinner with a mate. He said he now just assumes he only meets people who are on the same wave length as him.
This came up because I mentioned I was a little nervous that I’d end up having to ‘explain’ myself to people. At times, my past experiences when talking about Kinesiology and the like, have seen people tune out pretty quickly. Leaving me feeling misunderstood and worse than anything, shutting that part of me down to fit in with their view of the world.
So, heeding his advice (cause it makes sense) I did just this. I assumed I would only meet people who would get me and not just get me but celebrate me and of course, me celebrate them.
Even as I write this I’m still blown away by the people I attracted on this trip.
Those I met were more open to what I had to say, not skeptical. They were accepting. Eager to know more. Curious. I didn’t have to down play it once.
The power of intention means you put out what you want, and you remain receptive to making it part of your reality. You can read more about manifesting here.
A few examples to start.
- When I was in Malta, I had to get a cab. I had hopped on the wrong bus. So in the sweltering heat I decided to cab it back, just as I was getting in this woman ran up to the cab and desperately asked to share it. She then insisted on paying the entire fare even though she was only going down the road. I had another 20 minutes to go after her. She insisted though. Cabs aren’t cheap in Malta. This was a lovely little blessing.
- After my London Manifest like a MoFo workshop, Tess (my tall Swedish blonde) and I went to catch up with a friend of hers who happens to be a head chef at a rather swanky Covent Garden restaurant. We were treated like royalty. We had the best wine. The best food. We felt nothing short of abundant.
- Take my recent spontaneous divinely guided trip to Tuscany. Abundance to boot! A pool overlooking the Tuscan countryside. Yup.
- Speaking of cabs, on my birthday I was heading over to Comino Island and asked the cabbie to stop at an ATM on the way. He forgot and so when we got to the ferry terminal he insisted on paying the fare for us and gave me spending money on good faith I would pay him back tomorrow. Seriously.
- Dubai. My dear mate Anna (need a travel agent? She’s your girl) got me a deal, a very good deal at a Jumeirah hotel. She was pretty excited about the deal. I didn’t pay a lot of attention. I trust her and I’m pretty happy to sleep most places, which I’ll explain in just a sec.
I arrived to the most opulent, extravagant, luxurious accommodation I could ever have even imagined. Truly. The foyer was adorned with the most extravagant Turkish chandeliers, pillars holding up a ceiling of extraordinary heights. My room was fit for a family of 12, the bath the size of one of my old apartments. And a seaside view. Of course.
Abundance cont…
There are two things I do, daily, which I believe are contributing to these experiences of abundance.
For years, and I mean years I’ve been saying the following mantra, prayer, affirmation;
‘Good Morning Universe. I am open and receptive to the abundance of the Universe. I trust in you, I trust in me, for we are one. And I am grateful.’
I then rattle off a list of things I’m grateful for. Anything and everything.
This affirmation is two fold in its power.
1. I am open and receptive to the abundance of the Universe.
Each time I say this I’m reminding myself of the abundance which is available to all of us. Abundance is a mindset. Scarcity is a mindset. We get to choose which one we want to plug into. Could it be as simple as saying I’m open and receptive to it? Yeah, it could.
2. And I am grateful.
Hands down, this abundance stuff, it’s all thanks to… being thankful. Being in a constant state of gratitude. Appreciating all we have.
Here’s how being grateful for everything we have comes in…
My first night in Rome was an airbnb place. It was near the train station and was a reasonable price for the high season. This place was nothing short of a prison cell. No window. A naked light bulb hanging from the ceiling. Sheets were clean though. The bathroom… not so much. But the sheets were clean. And the room was cool.
What I noticed, was that I was still immensely grateful, even though my surroundings were kinda shit. I noticed I was still tapping into that feeling of appreciation and abundance. I was grateful it was near the train station. I was grateful the owner wasn’t creepy or too weird. I was grateful he gave me a fan (I mentioned no window right?).
When we’re grateful for what we have, even when it’s small and could be considered less than best, when we find the good in it, we end up with more goodness down the track. Gratitude cultivates, gets stronger and stronger and brings more goodness in ways we least expect.
I often say I live a charmed life. Cause I do. Be it, good karma, past life pay offs, all this energy work or just living and breathing what I preach. Something works. And I do think it’s a combo of these three things I’ve listed.
I want to be clear, I’m not writing any of this to say, look at me. Not at all.
As I said at the beginning, I reflected on what made this trip so epic. Cause it was.
It was the most connected I’ve ever felt, to myself, to my surroundings, to the people I met.
Plenty of people have their little rituals. Cause they work.
Create your own. Be curious about what works for you. Then stick to it. Stick to it.
With all my love x