Living the Dream Interview Series – Meet Sally.
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
~ Anais Nin
When I lived in France on the Riviera it was often said ‘We’re living the dream people’.
Which in all honesty we were. Days were spent working alongside friends who became family, lounging at the beach – before work, after work, on days off, meeting folk from all over the world, drinking cheap booze together. In your mid 20’s this is living the dream. To be fair, in my 30’s this is still living the dream. Although the cheap booze isn’t ideal any more.
This idea of ‘Living the Dream’ is the driving force behind why we get up in the morning – and stay up. Or at least it should be. The reality of living your heart’s desire is intoxicating. I believe each one of us is here to live the exact opposite of mediocre. To be inspired daily to live our dreams, to access our truth + potential, to be connected to our purpose – this is why we get up and stay up.
To inspire you to live your own version of ‘Living the Dream’ I’m going to be interviewing a bunch of my clients doing just this. My clients (who I have the honour and privilege of working with) commit to their potential, to living consciously, responsibly and spiritually.
Which is where Kinesiology comes in. This uber powerful therapy helps you get clear on your desires + passions and importantly kicks your subconscious blocks in the butt, forcing you to face your fears and annihilate your anxieties.
But enough with the alliteration – Kinesiology works and it’s part of the reason these amazing people are living their dream.
So without further adieu… Meet Sally.
Sally Blunt :: Wholefood Chef, Yoga Teacher, Registered Nurse, Diet and Lifestyle Support, Founder of This Whole Life :: 35 yrs :: Sydney :: Studied @ Whole and Natural Foods Chef Training Program, BodyMindLife Teacher Training, Charles Sturt University, Institute of Integrative Nutrition
You’re living the dream. What does this look like for you? (Describe what you do for a crust). And how long have you been doing it for?
For the last 13 years I’ve been working as a Registered Nurse. While that wasn’t the dream it definitely lead me to want to find out what was. The funny thing is, now that I have an opportunity to leave nursing, I don’t want to – permanently. I love this because it reinforces the fact that nothing we do in our lives is ‘off track’ everything is leading us somewhere and has value to it.
The current dream involves helping people to get back in touch with themselves and to feel good in their unique lives.
Currently, I’m catering beautiful events, including the upcoming Death Dinner Parties which I’m really excited about. I’m preparing workshops on wholefood cooking, teaching yoga and putting together the business side of the business….stay tuned for an upcoming website! (In the meantime check out the photos from the Culburra Retreat Sally cooked at – she’s incredible).
Although I don’t have a crystal clear picture of what ‘The Dream’ is I have a sense of how it feels and by trusting that I’m being given opportunities I wouldn’t have imagined. And in the process finding what feels right for me.
Were you scared to take the leap of faith? How did it happen? Can you describe the feeling you experienced? Your mental state of being? Emotions?
I feel like I’m still mid leap in a lot of ways but taking that very first step was the hardest and I really think that first step was years ago. Simply recognising that I wasn’t living my dream was pretty confronting and disheartening. If you’re not living your dream, what are you doing? What is the dream and how do you find it? I felt so far from my dream that I felt totally disconnected from it. Recognising my discontent was enough to begin the search. Not everyone is blessed with a clear cut image of their ideal life and for me, just moving towards things that I enjoyed was the first step.
Seeking support and community through things like kinesiology, yoga and meditation has really helped me to feel connected again.
I wouldn’t say I’m living my entire dream, but that’s kind of the point. Dreams are about passion and inspiration and I don’t want to look at my life and think ‘I’m done’ I want to think ‘What’s next?’. That’s not always easy but its fun!
What do you believe made you follow through? What was it that made you move towards your calling?
It felt a bit like the quote above, about the bud blossoming – I realised it would be hard to change and it was risky but it got to the point where it was more difficult not to. I was aided by some amazing support from my husband, he held a mirror up to me to show me what I was doing to myself by not doing anything. Find someone who genuinely loves and cares about you and talk (and listen!) to them about your worth.
How has Kinesiology + Coaching supported you through this process? How long have you been doing Kinesiology? Why do you keep returning to it?
I started kinesiology with Clare while I was doing my yoga teacher training in 2012. Nursing is very clear cut in what is right and wrong, and in what needs to happen in a given situation. Suddenly I was doing something completely creative, and revealing a true part of me…and it was pretty terrifying.
The beautiful thing about kinesiology is that you are tapping into yourself. Opening up feelings and thoughts that you may not have even identified or put together before. It’s not just the kinesiology itself, but for me, it’s about finding someone you really connect with because how can you delve into what makes you vulnerable if you can’t trust the person you’re exploring this with?
Clare is really amazing like that. She has an incredible ability to make you feel wholly supported and part of a team. She creates a feeling of ‘we can do this’. Most of us have feelings of being undeserving or have a lack of self worth. For someone to be able to take that on board, identify and inspire the opposite of those feelings in you as well as clear and open energy around those emotions is pretty amazing and something I am very grateful for.
We all get off track at times. Fears creep back in. Resistance gets a hold of us. Inspiration doesn’t strike. What do you do to stay on track? What gets you back to centre? Is it people? Things? Philosophies? Yoga?
Definitely connecting with the people who are important in my life. Also, connecting with myself through cooking, meditation, yoga and exercise helps me to stay centered. Practicing mindfulness and awareness in my daily life, helps me to recognize negative habits and thought patterns, so that I can choose not to get involved. Negative thoughts can be so damaging and overwhelming – kinesiology can be amazing for this!
Something that really helps me, is remembering that I am more than simply my job or my career. For me living the dream isn’t about finding a career I enjoy – it’s about finding a life that I enjoy.
What’s one or two hard truths about taking the risk to blossom. What do people need to be aware of?
It’s not always easy and it’s not a constant stream of empowerment. There are definitely stops and starts but you will learn to manage them better and soon there will be more wins than losses. Living the dream is still life – you have to be ok with the ups and downs. And you learn to be.
What soulful advice do you have for those reading this, who too desire to live a life of purpose + passion?
Don’t be too hard on yourself. I believe true change comes from love not denial and guilt. Find what makes you feel supported and connect to that everyday. Try to do something – no matter how small – each day towards your dream life and recognize those achievements. Focus on the positive and always be thankful to yourself for taking those steps toward living your dream.
Connect with Sally via sal_b_@hotmail and on Instagram @thiswholelife
For more info on Death Dinner Party make sure to like our Facebook page and check out our Website
Everyone’s dream is different. Have an insatiable curiosity about yours.
It’s time to blossom.
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