My dear clients, please read this.

Danielle LaPorte’s recent post: What to do after you have a breakthrough. (You’re going to shrink after you expand, so, listen closely.) Is a must read for ALL MY CLIENTS.

Here’s the thing… 

After a session, you’ll often feel fantastic. You’ll feel light and connected and full of clarity again. All that resistance you were feeling before the session seems to have … disappeared. Evaporated into the ethos. Life will appear glossy and brighter – literally. The grass will seem greener (for me the trees seem to come to life), the sky will appear bluer than blue and you’ll think to yourself ‘life is marvellous’. 

Other times, this is not how it works. You might leave feeling full of emotion, a sadness or anxiety permeates your being. You’ll feel a tad unsettled. A little out of it. 

I alway say to clients ‘get in touch if you need, don’t suffer through anything alone – unless you choose to’. I offer this support because sometimes, as we re-calibrate to the new energy, we can feel totally out of sync with life and totally unsupported.

Occasionally I’ll receive a call. More often than not I don’t. Kinesiology is a powerful modality which promotes self responsibility. I don’t offer support as a crutch, I offer it simply as a way of saying ‘I’m here for you, should you need’. Cause sometimes, we need a little extra support.

Now the thing is, if I do receive a call from someone saying ‘I still feel x, y, z’, I’ll hear them out and ask them to sit with it a little longer. Just a little longer. Sure enough, a couple of days after this they’ll report feeling a thousand times better. Whatever needed to shift, shifts.

I know for myself, after some of the most powerful sessions I’ve had, where things have shifted on a cellular and cosmic level (we are one in the same after all) I’ll have a major binge session. I can feel emotional, destructive, disconnected. I’ll do the exact opposite of what we discussed in the session. I’ll feel like a total failure, and fraud! How can I be a practitioner and not follow my own advice?!

Over the years though, I’ve learnt to ride this through. To be patient. To trust the unfolding, the re-calibration, the re-connection. 

Kinesiology works on all levels. This means:

We’re clearing the no longer wanted energy on a physical and biochemical level. We’re working with the cells, the organs, the systems – endocrine, nervous, the brain and so much more!

We’re also talking things through, on a mental and emotional level. We’re allowing ourselves to vent, to make sense of, to feel heard. Our emotions are just energy in motion, but if they’re not in motion, they become stuck and we need to get them unstuck. Talking helps this.

And we’re tapping into the spiritual aspect of ourselves. We’re working with the less tangible; the chakras, the meridians, the auras. Sometimes, it’s so out there this energy work, but I tell you, it just works. 

These levels, they’re all connected. Which is why Kinesiology works and why it can feel totally weird after a session.

You’ve more than likely heard before, ‘Energy can’t be created or destroyed – it just changes form’. 

It’s in the changing form that we can feel the ickyness, the resistance. We’ll feel like we take 15 steps back. Not 2, 15! We’ll think ‘well this hasn’t worked, that was a waste of money’. 

But with a bit of patience, with a bit of wisdom we remember to trust and we surrender to our experience – and we gracefully move into the newer vibration. 

Danielle LaPorte’s post – sums all this up. My clients, my dear dear clients take the time to read it. It puts things in perspective.

You’re doing good. Wherever you’re at – you’re doing good. Honour the complexity of your existence. Honour it. 

Massive love.