Living the Dream Interview Series – Meet Adam

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. 

~ Anais Nin

When I lived in France on the Riviera it was often said ‘We’re living the dream people’.

Which in all honesty we were. Days were spent working alongside friends who became family, lounging at the beach – before work, after work, on days off, meeting folk from all over the world, drinking cheap booze together. In your mid 20’s this is living the dream. To be fair, in my 30’s this is still living the dream. Although the cheap booze isn’t ideal any more.

This idea of ‘Living the Dream’ is the driving force behind why we get up in the morning – and stay up. Or at least it should be. The reality of living your heart’s desire is intoxicating. I believe each one of us is here to live the exact opposite of mediocre. To be inspired daily to live our dreams, to access our truth + potential, to be connected to our purpose – this is why we get up and stay up.

To inspire you to live your own version of ‘Living the Dream’ I’m going to be interviewing a bunch of my clients doing just this. My clients (who I have the honour and privilege of working with) commit to their potential, to living consciously, responsibly and spiritually. 

Which is where Kinesiology comes in. This uber powerful therapy helps you get clear on your desires + passions and importantly kicks your subconscious blocks in the butt, forcing you to face your fears and annihilate your anxieties. 

But enough with the alliteration – Kinesiology works and it’s part of the reason these amazing people are living their dream.

So without further adieu… Meet Adam. 

Adam 1


Adam Robinson :: Sydney Landscape Designer. Entrepreneur. Manifesting King :: 31 years old :: Lives Elizabeth Bay, Sydney :: Works Waterloo + Surrounds

Featured in Sunday Life Magazine, Home Beautiful, House and Garden, Gardening Australia, Sydney Morning Herald, Inspirational Backyards, and Real Living. Soon to be added to this list – Woman’s Day. 

You’re living the dream. What does this look like for you? (Describe what you do for a crust). And how long have you been doing it for?  

Living the dream for me is knowing there is nothing else I would do for a crust. I love my work and I am certainly living my passion. My face lights up when I talk about what I do, I can feel it.

I was one of those lucky people who have always known what they wanted to do. My career progression has fallen into place quite organically. I haven’t loved every job along the way, but when I look back I can now see how important each step was to get me to where I am now.

My work enables me to work with my favourite things – people, plants and design. And to be able to work to my own schedule and pace.

Were you scared to take the leap of faith? How did it happen? Can you describe the feeling you experienced? Your mental state of being? Emotions?

Of course, riddled with anxiety taking the big step. I was actually booted from my last job. That was the universe screaming at me to take the leap. 

Luckily I had people around me that believed in me and encouraged me to take the leap. I had experience of running my own clients and projects from my last job, the rest was  and is learnt on the job.

With each step, I’m very nervous and completely excited at the same time. I of course doubt myself and think of the worst case scenario – I’m human!

But, I’m a big risk taker. Having said that most risks are still thought through and analysed in detail. Not every risk takes off, but maybe that’s for a good reason also.

What do you believe made you follow through? What was it that made you move towards your calling? 

I truly believe it’s passion. I cannot imagine what I would be doing otherwise. I’ve just followed my heart.

How has Kinesiology + Coaching supported you through this process? How long have you been doing Kinesiology? Why do you keep returning to it? 

I’ve been doing Kinesiology for 5 years. Kinesiology works for me because it gets to the root cause of the issue or problem I’m presenting with and most importantly it helps me move through it. 

I grow tired of analysing my issues and don’t always find talking about them at length beneficial.  Kinesiology allows me to tap into my highest good and work through the blocks that are holding me back.

I return to kinesiology because I see it as maintenance.  I’m an over thinker who’s super sensitive with a busy mind. I need to clear patterns holding me back to move forward with a happy healthy mind. So that I can tap into my potential. 

We all get off track at times. Fears creep back in. Resistance gets a hold of us. Inspiration doesn’t strike. What do you do to stay on track? What gets you back to centre? Is it people? Things? Philosophies? Yoga? 

I find when I get off track I’m usually giving too much of myself to one side of my life, which is generally work.

This is my sign it’s time to reconnect with my spirit – me.

I practice yoga, enjoy running outside in nature and keeping toned at the gym.

I’ve started meditating of late and finding this very beneficial.  I’ve been putting this off and resisting the practice for years. I’m now finding it a complete indulgence and seeing it as my special time.

I find spending time on my own quite reinvigorating too.

Who do you talk to? God/ Universe/ Angels/ Saints/ Trees/ All of the above? Can you describe your relationship with your spirituality? How does this contribute to you living the dream? 

I talk to the Universe, my angels and the trees. My connection to my spirit is something I hold very close. I’m not always the best at maintaining this close relationship and it’s often when I’m feeling disconnected to the world that I need to reconnect to my spirit.

I’m not the most logical person, so I rely on my spirit to guide me down the right path. This takes a lot of trust and attention, but my spirit always has my back.

What’s one or two hard truths about taking the risk to blossom. What do people need to be aware of? 

Everything’s a risk in life. I see risks as exciting not fearful. If you take a risk and you fall flat on your face, you amend how you played out that risk and do it better the next time. I look back and cringe at how I was doing things even a year ago, but I’m pleased I’m able to see this and make amends.

One of my favourite quotes is ‘What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?’

What soulful advice do you have for those reading this, who too desire to live a life of purpose + passion?

Give it a go, what’s the worst that can happen? And find people in your field doing great work AND then do it better.


I’m filled with honour & pride to call Adam one of my dearest mates. That aside though, as a professional and entrepreneur Adam sets the bar high. He’s a risk taker and he’s a successful risk taker – because he believes in himself and he believes in what he does. It all starts with him. 

For this reason, when it comes to my own business he’s my guiding light, my inspiration and (gratefully) my cheer squad. 

Connect with Adam on Facebook and Instagram – @adm_robinson

His other deets: +61 451 299 920 //

Everyone’s dream is different. Have an insatiable curiosity about yours.
It’s time to blossom.

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