If you get anxiety, open this up!
In Gabby Bernstein’s workshop a few weeks ago she made the following comment ‘the presence of fear is when we are relying on our own strength’.
This statement has been huge for me. Whenever I get a trigger of anxiety and fear i.e. I start worrying about something in the upcoming future based on something from my past, I return to this statement. I remind myself that I’m attempting to anticipate life with my physicality only – that is, my mind.
Relying on our own strength means we disconnect from that part of ourselves which is ever knowing, full of wisdom, the ultimate guidance. It is a disconnect from the Universe, from our angels, from our spirit.
And relying on our own strength hurts.
This is a short post to ask you – are you hurting? Is there an area of your life where things aren’t flowing? Where you’re experiencing resistance? Where your mind is racing?
What I would invite you to do, is surrender it.
Talk to the Universe, your angels, your spirit – ask for a reframe, ask for guidance, ask to be shown a new way. Remind yourself that everything is always working out for your highest good – always! Even when it feels like the situation is so shit it’s beyond shit.
I had a client ask me recently, how do you do this? Do you literally just have a dialogue with the Universe, with your angels?
I talk out loud. I write. I talk in my head. I have a dialogue anyway I can.
I mentioned in my recent post the following prayer ‘Thank you higher self, I surrender this to you, reorganise my thoughts, and bring me inner peace’. It’s a beauty. In this one sentence I hand over my hurt, I acknowledge my attempt to use my own strength and through intention I ask for it to be handed over. And I tell you, like magic, it works.
Just remember though, if you’re asking for help, if you’re asking for the angels to aid and support you – you must be willing to listen to their messages which means sometimes we need look at things from a different perspective. This is where the ‘reorganise my thoughts’ comes in.
This often goes against the grain of how we have been thinking and therefore living. It goes against our habit of worrying and not trusting, of getting in our own way.
Life is a process of co-creation. When we go into solo creation mode we let our ego dominate, we attempt to live life relying on us alone (i.e our own strength) and this ultimately means we disconnect from our soul creation, which is so much nicer. Let the Universe do it’s job. Let it meet you half way.
I know I’m in need of this reminder this week. Are you?
Wishing you loads of heartfelt love x