‘What have you really achieved this year?’ Said the Ego.
As the year draws to a close it’s tempting to get caught up in ‘what have I really achieved this year?’
It’s easy for the comparison to kick in. Facebook and Instagram are great tools for this. And yes yes, you’ve probably heard that when the need to compare kicks in, we should reframe it by understanding, deep down we respect what we’re seeing and therefore should focus our attention on doing this in our own lives.
Which is TOTALLY true, but still hard for the ego to manage at times.
So one thing to appease the ego is to reassure it.
My good mate and colleague Janette Brown from Inspire Freedom did the following process recently and found it extremely cathartic.
That is, she wrote a letter to herself from 2014.
Dear You, what a year it’s been. This happened.. This happened…You learnt this… You experienced this… You had the courage to do this… You changed this… You FELT this…
You get the drift I’m sure. The idea is to free write, write without judgement, write from the soul. Let the words spill out, so you can read it back and think, ‘yeah, I did good this year’.
A few weeks back I had an interesting time where my dear darling ego was all up my arse telling me I really hadn’t achieved much this year because one thing on my to do list hadn’t been achieved – An ecourse (watch this space, April next year is launch time!).
And so all the other stuff which had been experienced + achieved was completely forgotten thanks to this one niggly story my mind was set on. We’re human, our egos will always attempt to discount our efforts of the year before, because that’s its role – to keep us small and safe and the same. It adores things to stay just the way they are!
The role of our Spirit however, our Truth, is to manage the insistent ramblings. We just have to let it.
This letter writing activity is one such way.
You might be thinking – Crap I’m still in the same job, I didn’t get around to that trip I always talk about, my business idea is still just a saved document on my laptop, those hard truths I need to talk about with my partner still haven’t happened…
What I want to invite you to remember – is you’ve made baby steps, with all these things. Life isn’t made up of constant massive achievements, it’s made of an accumulation of victories, of rejections (cosmic redirections), of experiences and I promise you’ve had loads of these this year. Just think about it.
We are constantly in a state of evolution. We are always growing. Even when it feels like life is at a standstill.
Our achievements don’t need to be massive in order for us to feel like we’re a success in the world. It’s the little things that make up the big things.
I remember when I first starting running workshops and was so incredibly nervous and overwhelmed and wanted EVERYONE there to have this profound experience. But then I realised, that if 1 person, 1! took something from the workshop, if 1 sentence uttered made them think about themselves and life differently, then this was good enough.
I was enough.
You are enough.
We are enough.
Ultimately it’s the small things we can choose to focus on.
Manage the taunts of the ego and tune into what’s really true – your 2014 was exactly as it was meant to be. Divinely perfect. And when we celebrate the traction we’ve made, the ego sits up, proud as punch and lets you enjoy the moment. This is how we appease it, we remind it.
On that note, if you feel you’re in the same place you were last year then it’s time to get real with yourself and participate in the world. You know what I’m going to say – Kinesiology is a great way to get things moving. Do what you need to do. Take responsibility. None of us are here to be mediocre. And if you’re reading this and your stomach flips, or your heart sinks or your throat closes up – pay attention. It’s trying to tell you something.
In the meantime though, write a letter, you might just be pleasantly surprised.
To book a Kinesiology + Coaching appointment GET IN TOUCH +61 408 359 922 / clare@woodwardinstitute.com.au
Skype and In Person sessions available.
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