No Dickhead Policy

I went to Meredith Music Festival over the weekend. It was one of the best festivals I’ve been to. One stage, no stalls selling unnecessary stuff, good people, all with the same intention – to have a good time and to have a boogie. Honestly, doing this, under the trees, under the night sky – it brings me bucket loads of joy.

Purple and white fairy lights strewn through trees, smiley soulful people a plenty. Sofas for comfort, sounds systems to penetrate, movements in unison.


But one thing that struck me the most with this festival was their No Dickhead Policy. When I first read about it I thought, ‘yeah, that’s a pretty cool precedent to set’. But as the festival went on, I realised the true impact of this intention.

“Festivals at the Meredith Supernatural Amphitheatre have a No Dickhead Policy.

Essentially this is a self-policing policy whereby ‘the dickhead’ is not celebrated at the festival. Dickheads or people involved in dickhead behaviour will usually find that a solid citizen will firmly but politely inform them that their dickhead behaviour is not admired or appreciated. The Dickhead will usually realise they are being a dickhead and pull their head in. If not, our Helpers or Staff or even Security can  make a discreet intervention. Dickheads can be anonymously reported by texting 0430 091 120, emailing Aunty, or in person at a Helper Hut or the Info Centre.

So if you are a Dickhead, this festival isn’t for you”.

And I have to say, I didn’t encounter one dickhead while I was there. Which is big – when you have 10, 000 people in one spot.

And so it got me thinking about the power of intention.

I think it’s easy to underestimate the power of intention, for really, it relies upon an unwavering trust. 

An intention is like sending out a wish, a desire, a request and then trusting it’s going to bounce right back at you, in the most positive of ways. It’s like a fenced off area, a vortex to encapsulate the message sent forth, to gather what it is we want and bring it back to us.

And so upon returning from the festival I was flicking through Gabby Bernstein’s – Miracles Now in which she talks about protecting yourself from energy vampires, that is those people in our lives who take from us energetically, those people who we feel drained by. She suggests we bathe ourselves with a white light as protection. She also acknowledges that this might sound totally ridiculous and heady but to not underestimate the power of the intention – cause it just works. 

Again, the process relies upon us having an unwavering trust.

If we take a Kinesiology session for example, what we are primarily working with is an intention. We are getting clear on what it is we want to experience and sending this intention out into the world. The session itself clears any subconscious energy blockages which are getting in the way of this intention.

This is why the weeks, months, (eternity) that follow a Kinesiology session, often feel like magic has unfolded before us – as if our wish has been granted. It’s because the intention has been held strong and we’ve aligned ourselves to allow it to come towards us. 

In relation to the festival – this No Dickhead precedent spoke volumes. It attracted the right people and the right vibe. 

Never underestimate the power of putting out there what you want. Cause as if like magic, it will find its way into your reality.

Feel free to connect with my journey: here

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Upcoming Manifest like a MoFo Workshop // January 17th, 2014

Much of what we talk about in our Manifest like a MoFo Workshop is manifesting via intentions. If this post resonated, get involved and come along! We would LOVE to have you there. 

Photo thanks to the Meredith website x