Would you like to live in Europe?

Clare, if you know what you want; if you’ve made up your mind; if you can see it, feel it, and move toward it in some small way every single day… it has to happen.


The Universe 


I was chatting with one of my mates back home, talking about some upcoming Skype appointments. Clients in NY, LA, Nice, Sydney. I was saying all this while sitting on a balcony overlooking the Port in Nice – sun shining, streaming, lighting me up. We both then had a good giggle at the incredible fortune in both our lives (he too is a manifesting guru) and he then said;

‘You know, something you said a while back really stuck with me. You said you’d be a wreck if you didn’t do all the maintenance work you do on yourself’.

And so it got me thinking.

I live a charmed life. As so many of us do. It’s charmed because I’m surrounded by niceness more often than not. Niceness of things to look at, niceness of people to be around, niceness of clients who I want (adore) to work with, niceness of a supportive, loving family. I’m one of the lucky ones. I know I am.

But I get pulled up for saying this, a lot. People will often comment, ‘Don’t say you’re lucky, you’ve made your own luck’. Which in part is totally true.

And then (of course) I receive the message up top in my inbox.

Many times on this trip I’ve had to sit back (while on a train crossing over Europe, or on a beach gazing the horizon, or on a boat doing much the same, or sitting across from one of my outstandingly wonderful friends I’ve reconnected with) and give thanks for how I’ve gotten to where I am. How I’ve gotten to live my life in a way which I’ve so often dreamt of.


As for the maintenance, I thought I’d share some of the things I do. These things no longer seem like things ‘I do’. But, they once did.

These things work for me, they might just work for you too.

Commit to your vision, your desire, your daydream.

I never let the thought of living + working remotely go. I never let Europe go. From vision boards to daydreams, to keeping friendships abroad connected with little hellos and long updates. I kept my vision alive. I continue to do so.

Feel as you daydream.

I’ve spoken of Core Desired Feelings before. At the end of last year I realised I wanted to feel more Freedom and more Adventure. To tune into these feelings I notice my world around me and allow it to activate the feeling I desire to feel.

For instance, when I see a plane go overhead I’ll take a moment to not only give thanks for the plane trips I’ve already had, but I tune into that feeling of excitement and adventure that comes with any plane ride (for me this is the case). When I organise a weekend away I take a moment to check in and acknowledge the feeling of anticipation, of joy from being on the open road, connecting with friends. When I have a moment of spontaneity, I bask in it.

As for Freedom, this is the feeling I get when I feel abundant. Abundance of time – choice of when I can do things, abundance of money – choice to spend and work as I choose. Freedom is the feeling that comes from knowing I have options and therefore choice

To cultivate more of these feelings I use gratitude to acknowledge where I already have these things in my life.


I truly believe life becomes charmed by flooding yourself and your world with gratitude. In my mind, it’s the be all and end all. You want more goodness in your life? Take stock of all the goodness you already have and hammer the gratitudes. Hammer them. Authentically of course. How? Keep a list, daily. Say them out loud. In your head. Just acknowledge the good. The Universe gets the message not matter how you do it.

Take risks.

I’d like to say I take risks with everything in my life, but it’s simply not true. Recently I went scuba diving and sailing (as in behind the wheel). Both things saw me nervous and unsure of myself and when I stepped back from the nerves I realised my biggest fear – was ending up looking a fool. Seriously. It wasn’t that I’d get hurt or die, it was that I’d look like a muppet. Living a charmed life comes from taking risks. When it comes to manifesting the life we desire we need to be ok with making mistakes, with occasionally looking a fool, with potentially screwing everything up. Because the beauty of being ok with this is that it means you’re taking action. Which is crucial to the manifesting process.

For the doubts and insecurities that often accompany taking risks.

Kinesiology, EFT (for your FREE EFT poster click here), Coaching, Intuitive work, Energy work. Whatever it takes. Get your shit cleared! I’m pretty diligent with having regular Kinesiology sessions (or using EFT for times when I can’t get to a practitioner). Just as we use a Personal Trainer to help us keep fit and reach our potential, I think it’s imperative we do the same for our emotional and mental blocks. Use the resources available to you. Take responsibility for your blocks and watch them go away. Literally.

Keep clear.

We must keep ourselves as clear as possible. This means meditating, gratitudes, exercise, eating foods that raise our vibration, not deplete it. Knowing when to need to reach out and have a session of some sort. In order to manifest we need to be clear with what we put out and we need to be clear to receive.

Go with your gut. Listen to your intuition.

Follow the impulses, the signs, the feelings that light you up. The more often you follow the prompts, the stronger your connection becomes. For me, I remain receptive to when things aren’t flowing. When things feel heavy or like I’m forcing them I do my best to take a step back and change direction. Equally so, when things seem to fall into place, people appear, conversations happen, opportunities present themselves, I say yes and follow through.

Keep it simple.

Keep the dream simple and keep the steps you take towards it simple as well. If your dream overwhelms you and you think how on earth is that even possible? Break it down. Keep the dream in sight, and create baby steps around it. What’s one small thing you can do today to move closer to your desire. One small thing.

For me, it can be as simple as emailing a friend overseas. Having a Facetime chat. Reminding myself that it’s a big world out there. That adventure is beckoning. This will invariably motivate me to spend wisely, to write those extra couple of the paragraphs for the ebook, to finish off a diploma module. That sort of stuff. But it started, with a phone call.

Give yourself permission to have it.

I often say to clients ‘It’s your god given right to have what you desire’. It is. The Universe is infinitely abundant – when you believe it to be so.

Believe you are deserving to have it and believe that the Universe is capable of bring it to you. It will then provide in ways you didn’t even think were possible.

Talk to the sky – a lot.

This is how I converse with the Universe. But find your own way of conversing. Talk out loud to it, have the conversation in your head, write it, meditate, type. For me, I look up and ask for guidance, for support, to see the signs, to be receptive. I still say most mornings, ‘I am open and receptive to the abundance of the Universe, I trust in you, I trust in me and I am grateful’. I start my day like this. For me, it kicks it off in the right way.

Indulge others in their dreams.

The friend I spoke of earlier, when he and I get together we always have moments where we let each other daydream and manifest. We give each other ideas. We cultivate the manifesting magic together. It’s a powerful thing to do.


I do live a charmed life. I am lucky. It’s possible I did some really nice things in a past life. But I do also take full responsibility for having created this too. I do my best to maintain the bliss. Over the years, with the reading and study, with the sessions and explorations of self, with taking responsibility for the redundant stories of my mind, I manage to co-create a life I truly desire.

So, if life looks the way you want it to, take a look at what you’re doing. It’s nice to recognise it so you can come back to it. It makes up your manifesting foundation. This also works if life doesn’t look the way you want. What could you tweak? Where could you tidy some things up? Where could you be more grateful? Where could you take a little more responsibility for your dream? Where do you need to get out of your own way so you can let it come to you?

The Universe works in unison with us. When we put our vision out there, we keep ourselves clear and we work through our blocks – it responds by bringing to us what we desire.

If you have a vision of what you want, no matter how crazy it seems, you totally, 100%, without a doubt can have it. It’s your god given right.

And when you think like this it’s only a matter of time before you’re sitting on a balcony over looking Nice Port giggling about your good fortune.

Port 2'

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Clare Woodward is a Kinesiologist, transformational coach, writer, speaker and considers herself a true manifesting Queen. She is insanely curious and fascinated by the workings of the mind and spirit, and understanding how these influence our experiences, in our current reality. She loves the kookiness of all things energy and gets a kick out of synchronicities, soulful encounters and hugging trees. Follow her at Woodward Institute and find her on Facebook.

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Work with me – Book in for a Skype session, I’m available online while I’m abroad. Alternatively if you’re curious about Kinesiology and prefer to experience an in person session I’ll pass you the details of one of my gorgeous colleagues. There are so many of us willing to share the Kinesiology love. clare@woodwardinstitute.com.au / +61 408 359 922