Are you creatively constipated?
At times, the ideas just don’t flow. The inspiration does not come and feeling stuck is the only thing you can relate to. Force becomes your creative process.
And so it’s in times like these that we need to listen to the call of stopping. Of taking a step back. Of letting go.
But when we’ve been ‘on’ for so long, driving things, projects, life, it can seem totally against the grain to do this.
I’ve been on the road now for 6 weeks. The first 2 weeks saw me massively in my head, desperately trying to control things, forcing life. It felt strange, super strange to not be consciously and actively working on something or towards something. What was my purpose if I was not creating?
Then I got into my travel groove and it became a lot easier to not think of anything creative. To not think of anything business or ‘energy’ related.
And what I noticed was that instead of actively doing, instead of consciously thinking, I began to create more space, to trust more of life. I re-aligned myself to the belief that the Universe would keep providing even if I had a break and that inspiration would strike when it was (divinely) time.
Just before I went away I received a Kinesiology session from one of my beautiful students. In it we were discussing my upcoming trip, looking at the anxieties which were surfacing around it. And the awareness that came through was from 25 years of age. 25? 25? I had to think back. And then the penny dropped. It was when I was in France, when I had first arrived, when I was jobless and anxious to the max. And the message that accompanied this memory was, ‘It all worked out. You were looked after’. Which indeed I was. I ended up being employed 2 weeks after I arrived in a job which saw me make some seriously special friendships and saw me travel – a lot.
The message was clear – when have I ever not been looked after?
This message is one I’ve often come back to. Each time I panic, or go into control mode I ease off and remind myself of this.
When we create the space and allow ourselves to be looked after, when we get out of our own way, we see clearly plenty of evidence to reinforce that the Universe has our back.
To rid the restlessness, when the need to control does crop up – I meditate. This allows me to tune in the message above and allows for the yang energy to move through me, to make room for the yin to work its magic, so I can receive.
What I end up receiving is peace and space to let things happen. For the inspiration to come through gracefully and effortlessly.
If you’re creatively constipated, you may need to book a 3 month trip to Europe. Or failing this, take a step back, give yourself permission to stop, to chill out, to have a break, and above all else, get meditating. There’s a reason why so many people rave about it. Even if it’s 5 mins a day, the more often and more regularly you do it you’ll notice the restlessness dissipate and the connection to trust and faith strengthen.
It’s ok to have a break from life. It’s ok to give yourself permission to stop.
The process of co-creation means that you and the Universe come together. That your two forces meet and mingle and make magic happen. If you’ve been upholding your end of the bargain then maybe it’s time to hand things over to the Universe. Let it do its part. Cause at the end of the day, it always upholds it’s end of the bargain – we just have to let it.
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Clare Woodward is a Kinesiologist, transformational coach, writer, speaker and considers herself a true manifesting Queen. She is insanely curious and fascinated by the workings of the mind and spirit, and understanding how these influence our experiences, in our current reality. She loves the kookiness of all things energy and gets a kick out of synchronicities, soulful encounters and hugging trees. Follow her at Woodward Institute and find her on Facebook.
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