What to do when life hurts.


So this was the picture – I felt tired, impatient, gritting my teeth and having to be very conscious not to react. Exhaustingly so. A couple of client bookings got messed up. My cravings were through the roof. I felt panicked. Life had started to hurt.

So I booked in for a Kinesiology session.

What came up – all the niggly stories and thoughts that were lying dormant. By this I mean, the thoughts, the reactions, the stories which I don’t give a LOT of attention to. The ones that pop up and you think ‘well that’s an annoying thought’ or ‘why am I thinking that I wonder?’ and then you continue on with life.

So these ‘stories’ surfaced in the session. And as it worked out they were things that were irritating me quite a bit. Funny that.

As a result life was becoming like I mentioned above. It was starting to hurt.

I think the beauty of life starting to hurt is so we sit up and pay attention. So we tune in and get curious as to why it’s hurting. What in our physical, mental, emotional or spiritual experience is needing us to listen. And where is it ultimately all connected?

We are always being spoken to, whether we listen is entirely up to us.

Something like Kinesiology helps us listen, it’s helps us clear the stress we’re holding on to. And most importantly, it helps us to leave feeling more aware, lighter, brighter and in sync with life again.

Just like our physical body needs a detox – this is what a session gives you. It gives you a detox for your mind. Your spirit. Your being.

Don’t believe me … give it a try. It truly is something to be experienced.

3 more sleeps till I jet. Book in for a Skype session, I’ll be available online while I’m there. Alternatively if you’re curious about Kinesiology and prefer to experience an in person session I’ll pass you the details of one of my gorgeous colleagues. There are so many of us will to share the Kinesiology love. clare@woodwardinstitute.com.au / +61 408 359 922


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Clare Woodward is a Kinesiologist, transformational coach, writer, speaker and considers herself a true manifesting Queen. She is insanely curious and fascinated by the workings of the mind and spirit, and understanding how these influence our experiences, in our current reality. She loves the kookiness of all things energy and gets a kick out of synchronicities, soulful encounters and hugging trees. Follow her at Woodward Institute and find her on Facebook.

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