Risky business

If you’re wondering why your life never changes it could be you’re holding on too tight to order and safety’. #TheSW

I came across this quote on Twitter during the week and it got me thinking.

I’ve been working a part time job for the past few months, which I’m deeply grateful for. It has served me wonderfully. However over the past few weeks I can feel things starting to shift. I’m agitated, I’m irritated, I’m discontent – while working at the part time job. And then I leave and see clients in the evening for sessions or I teach a kinesiology class and everything suddenly appears rosy again.

By hanging on to this job it means my rent it covered, it means I’m safe, it means everything is in order. But at what cost?

I was teaching during the week and had the privilege of receiving a mini balance. In under 15 minutes we were able to identify and balance the real block – me hanging onto a job that is causing me to feel at odds with myself and the world. We got down to the nitty gritty (which I should add only took a few minutes – ah the magic of kinesiology) and uncovered a disbelief that I can earn a living off kinesiology alone. If I’m honest I’m so fearful of returning to the place I was at the beginning of the year, going back to mum and dad’s for vegetables, living in a state of pure anxiety. But this time it’s different. This time I’ve already proved to myself that it is all possible. I have positive information to douse my subconscious with (http://woodwardinstitute.wordpress.com/2012/09/23/porn-for-the-soul/). I can reassure it that this time things are different. It’s also a test of me walking my talk.

The quote I have on the back of my business card and the one that struck me at my core when I first read it is:

‘And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.’

– Anais Nin

I endeavour to live my life by this quote. I want it to inspire people to take the plunge, to trust and invest in themselves; I want them to push the limit.

I’m ready for the next move, I am. Otherwise I run the risk of becoming complacent, which is painful to just think about.

Responsibility, action and trust.

I preach responsibility – that is, be responsible for all of your stuff. The good stuff the crap stuff. GET TO KNOW YOUR STUFF! It’s yours and yours alone. How seriously cool is that. And then take action on what makes your heart sing and take action on changing that which does not serve you and then lastly TRUST. Release the expectation, let go of the control and instead allow it to all fall into place for you. It always does. Always.

Acknowledging as well that the body, mind and soul are one whole allows you to make tangible what’s happening inside your head and inside your soul. The body is the messenger. Learning to listen to the body allows you to not question things as much. It is your pendulum. It has all the answers. Again, how seriously cool is this!

I can feel and hear my body saying ‘take the risk’. Put your perceived safety to the side and allow something new to come through. When I think about taking the risk, my insides relax. They actually relax. When I think of staying, they contract.

An hour after I received my mini balance during the week my phone rang. It was the head director at the college offering me more teaching work. Boom. I let go and something more abundant was able to flow in.

‘Say yes to whatever it is. Because if you say yes to it and then you get in the middle of it, and you say, “Uh oh, this isn’t really turning out the way I wanted it to,” then out of that is born another desire. And as you say yes to that, then it turns out. And you say, “Well, it’s still not quite right.” So you have another desire… Until eventually you get it exactly right. You cannot get it wrong. No creation is ever complete. Just do it.’


Excerpted from the workshop in Tucson, AZ on Tuesday, February 15th, 2000 # 591

Take the risks and trust. This takes courage. But it can be done.

I mentioned in last week’s post that themes often appear in sessions from week to week. Interestingly this week has been full to the brim of Heart meridian stuff – a reflection of Courage.

We have to be prepared to go in to the unknown. It’s our duty. I truly believe this.

Don’t get me wrong. As I sit with my resignation letter ready to email, the old conversation of ‘but what if you’re just being a prat and instead should just stay safe’. But it doesn’t FEEL right. I can feel it in my gut and in my bones. Therein lies my answer.

Allow yourself to FEEL what is right for you. If this concept sounds totally foreign don’t panic. It’s foreign for everybody until they work out how to do it. For me it was yoga. Yoga was what allowed me to hear things for the first time then add kinesiology to the equation and I was on my way.

I implore you – find your thing that allows you to connect to self like you never have done before. We are such wonderfully powerful beings, with endless potential, with endless methods of being able to tap in to our potential – we just need to have the courage to believe we are worth tapping into.

And remember…

 Photos thanks to Pinterest http://pinterest.com/clarey22

  • Laura

    Love this blog!!

    • Thanks babe. It’s written from the heart – nice to hear you like it x

  • Tess

    Everyone should have a Clare Woodward in their life! I love you!

  • Yay for you. Such an inspiration!!!! x

    • Thanks Bel.
      Can’t wait to hear about your trip! Love to you and your little man x