Who’s the boss?


I light up when I talk about kinesiology and coaching. I literally do. I adore what I do. I love that I get to, not only hear people’s inner most thoughts and fears, but that I also get to play witness to their shifts. I get to see them move closer and closer to what they want and to who they truly are.

In a session we get clear. We hone in on what it is that you want. We talk for a bit. We chat about where you are at, what you’re experiencing. The dramas you perceive, the feelings you’re experiencing, the frustrations with yourself and the outside world. And then we get shifting. We start to concentrate on what it is you want. We talk about what your wildest dreams are made of. What it is, at this very moment, that you want to become more aligned with that will move you closer to being all you are meant to be.

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can’t have it.

 -Robert Anthony

The aligning of the subconscious mind with what the client so deeply desires, is one of the things I love most about the sessions I share. My role is not to analyse, not to interfere. My role is to interpret and offer perspective and when things start to shift – you literally feel it.

It is more often than not a flustered, sad, irritated client that arrives and then as the process begins and we start to gently peel back layer after layer the ‘ah ha’ moments and relief comes. The subconscious mind brings the emotions of memories to the forefront of the mind – so we can clear them, and as a result, it is a happier more balanced client that leaves.

What we are ultimately doing is removing the emotional charge from the memory and in doing so we are able to go back to a place of neutrality. It is in this place of neutrality that the power really lies. To be neutral is to not be attached to an outcome, it is to not have expectations, it is to just be. This is where peace is found.

From this place of neutrality we have a clean slate so to speak. It is from here that we are empowered to be able to manifest what it is that we want as opposed to being the victim of past occurrences and replaying old patterns.

We are not our thoughts. We are not our past. We are not our emotions. It takes courage and commitment to recognise this. To stop playing out the story we once wrote. To know that we can write a new story, is one of the most liberating and empowering of all the human freedoms.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

-Marianne Williamson, Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles

What chapter of which story are you living out at the moment? Does the story serve you? Do you like how it reads? Is it the story you will look back on with your chest puffed out beaming from inside?

I invite you to just consider what it would be like to take full responsibility for your story.

For the clients I am so blessed to work with, I feel such a huge amount of respect. For they step up and learn how to be all they are meant to be. As I said, it takes courage and commitment and this I so admire. I give thanks each and every day that I get to do what I do. It is a true honour.

Photo thanks to http://piccsy.com/2012/04/wall-wf1c8o8o8/