For my clients.
I’m writing this blog post today for my clients. For I too am a client and therefore understand with all of my being what it means to experience what you experience.
The experience being, that we are working through a process of delayering. Of peeling back layer upon layer. Being provided each time new awareness, new opportunities for growth. We are being provided with insights for our transformation.
‘The beauty of awareness is that it interrupts a pattern’.
– Louise Hay
Often, after we delayer for a while we expose the root cause of an issue. We get to the guts of it. We find the diamond.
This morning on Facebook I came across the following message from Kerry Belviso a Kinesiologist in Melbourne;
‘Sometimes transforming feels messy and hard. If you’re in the middle of it – keep going! Assume there’s beauty on the other side’.
A timely reminder for my spirit today. Often when we are processing a transformation of sorts we will go from intense periods of happiness and elation to greater depths of a darker variety. Both equal in their beauty.
What I’m learning is that when I’m in the darker depths, when I’m ebbing instead of flowing, I have a tendency to jump to conclusions, analysis, judgements and disconnections. For my old sense of self goes straight there. And oh so quickly.
So my ‘thing’ at the moment, is exploring the perceived pain. I don’t say this in a sadistic way, rather I’m exploring it with a deep reverence and curiosity, because I know, in the pain therein lies the freedom. And by exploring it, I mean I’m sitting with it. I’m not resisting it like I normally do, nor am I trying to suppress it (convenient that my Naturopath/ Kinesiologist has me off coffee and sugar at the moment, which leaves very little to use to suppress anything!) So without the resisting and without the suppressing it feels a little messy and hard. But it’s OK. For it means something is transforming.
As the wise Jiddu Krishnamurti said;
“If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a transformation.”
So for all my clients, I take my hat off to you for wherever you are in your process of transformation. You might be ebbing or you might be flowing – wherever you’re at, just be there. Be OK with being there, try not to change it. For in this moment it is perfect and rest assured, it will shift again.
Clare Woodward is a Sydney-based transformational coach and kinesiologist who believes that really knowing yourself is the key to a happy, self-loving life. Using a combination of powerful techniques, Clare empowers people to lead the kind of authentic, fulfilling lives they want and deserve. She peels back the layers to help them let go and live (consciously and) with intention, and in doing so, steers them towards their very best self – emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. In a nutshell, Clare helps her clients to realise and live their potential, every day.