I’m cranky. Who else is with me?
I was having a super crappy day the other day. I had been out to dinner the night before and as it worked out eaten lots of things I don’t normally eat. To those who are sensitive to food and really suffer from the sugar hangover you’ll know what I mean. For those who don’t understand, I envy you. Believe me, I envy you.
Anyway, food woeing aside, I felt awful. I was crabby and cranky and irritated. It wasn’t just the food, the food had just exacerbated it. I was feeling overwhelmed, out of my depth, living on the edge of comfort and new territory. I was panicky and I was anxious. I met with a friend in the morning and he passed the comment that it seemed so out of character for me because I’m normally so rosy and positive and cheery.
So of course, being in the mood I was in, I got my back up. My poor friend.
Once my back resumed its normal position I realised how judgemental I was being – on myself. I was allowed to have a flat day. I was allowed to be cranky. No, I was not allowed to take it out on others, but the only reason I was doing this was because I was doing it to myself. Once I realised this I was able to pull myself together again.
I explained to my mate that while, yes, I am normally positivity plus, I am allowed a day or two where I’m not. Of course I was saying this to myself, not to him.
I then had a gorgeous client sit in front of me a few days after explaining that she too had been awful this past week. Hissy fits galore. And she was judging herself for it. She was interpreting it as something wrong. I offered, from a place of experience, that it was ok to be cranky and annoyed and irritated. We’re all shifting stuff and that doesn’t mean we always do it with grace and ease.
Don’t get me wrong. Grace and ease IS the whole point. But in order to understand grace and ease, sometimes you just have to not be graceful and bloody full of ease. No matter how far along the enlightened path you are, sometimes a hissy fit is required. The difference though, you take responsibility for projecting your fears and worries onto others and where possible resist the urge to throw the tantrum in public. But hey, if you do, you just do!
My point to all this. Allow yourself to have a flat, awful, cranky day. It’s only by resisting it and thinking we should be experiencing something else that we make it all the more worse.
If you’re feeling crappy today just sit with it. It will pass, as everything does and before you know it life will be easy and breezy again.
Happy crankiness to you all x