Kinesiology – why it’s the most marvellous thing on the planet and how it works.

I feel compelled in this blog piece to express my deepest love and appreciation for Kinesiology. That’s not to take away from other modalities, all are powerful in their own right and all have a time and place, but for me, Kinesiology just works! And after 4 years of seeing one and becoming one myself my love and appreciation for it only gets deeper and more intense.


After a session I experience such an incredible sense of release and space and freedom and realignment that my world before me literally changes. It does. Goals end up being achieved – effortlessly. I do things I previously perceived I wasn’t able to do. I have courage again. I understand myself in a new way. Things that overwhelmed me no longer seem to, creating space for me to move forward and get things done.



First thing to acknowledge – our thoughts create our reality. PLAIN AND SIMPLE! This piece of information is the key to transforming your life.

How does this apply to a Kinesiology session? Well…

Step 1 – Together we identify your current thoughts and look at your current reality. For as we’ve just mentioned – they are connected.

Step 2 – We work out the thoughts you would rather be thinking. We work out the reality you would rather be experiencing. This is important for ‘energy flows where the attention goes’. We make sure you have your attention on the right thing and then we identify what things might be blocking your subconscious mind and energy systems from moving in that direction.

Step 3 – By talking to the subconscious mind and energy systems of the body we are able to identify

a) where your attention if currently going and

b) where the blockages are

and then….

Step 4 – Using your subconscious mind and whole body we alert your brain to concentrate on what it is that you want and then allow the body to guide us to what it needs to get the energy flowing in that direction. Remove the blocks in other words.

How? Well, we are just atoms (Science). Everything around us is just atoms (Science again). And so for this reason the vibrational frequency of your atoms will indicate what other atoms it needs to get the energy flowing in the direction you want.


Your body could indicate – an essence, an oil, a piece of information for the mind to process, a muscle, awareness around an organ in the body, a sound – a whole range of things. You’ll be amazed at what it calls on. And the information and awareness you receive allows you to make long lasting changes. Which is the whole reason you’re having a session in the first place! You want the change to be lasting. We don’t want to be just treating the symptoms, we want to get to the core of the issue.

Understand this –

Your body knows what it needs to heal – if you give it the opportunity to do so.

We are such incredibly powerful creatures. We have been born into this existence to thrive and to achieve and to man up, to be happy. We are here to work through our crap, to take responsibility for it, not to become it. We are here to succeed, if we choose to.

It is a choice. And there are a multitude of ways to get there. The most important thing is that you want to get there.

One of the things that brings me the most amount of joy, and I’m talking tears welling, air caught in my chest, electrical currents of gratitude and joy flowing through me – is when a client contacts me after a session and says;

  • they had that conversation with someone they had been putting off out of fear for the past few years and low and behold it all worked out OK
  • they got the new job and as a result are now earning $50K more (this is no exaggeration)
  • they’re happily in a relationship after years of being terrified of having their heart broken
  • they’re sleeping properly for the first time in years
  • their back pain seems to have disappeared
  • they did a presentation to over 500 people with no nerves or shaking voice
  • they’re HAPPY after years of feeling miserable

From my very first session with Kinesiology I was hooked. I had found a way to get out of my head (my judgemental, self berating, self sabotaging head) and instead connect with the innate wisdom of my body, my subconscious mind, my soul. It really is like having a direct conversation with your essence.


If you’re reading this thinking, yep sounds cool, one day – I implore, just do it. Experience it. Give yourself this gift. As I often say, Kinesiology changed my life, cause it did and certainly continues to do so. I would love love love for you to experience the same thing.

Clare Woodward is a Sydney-based transformational coach and kinesiologist who believes that really knowing yourself is the key to a happy, self-loving life. Using a combination of powerful techniques, Clare empowers people to lead the kind of authentic, fulfilling lives they want and deserve. She peels back the layers to help them let go and live (consciously and) with intention, and in doing so, steers them towards their very best self – emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. In a nutshell, Clare helps her clients to realise and live their potential, every day.