Leaving on a jet plane
The perfectionist in me needs to make a shout out to those who subscribe to my blog. Firstly, thank you for subscribing and secondly I didn’t realise you could save and then preview your blog rather than publish and preview – so apologies to those who have been receiving my blog in their inbox with a rather incomplete blog!
Technology and I are in the courting stage – excited to meet one another, but a little awkward and quick to talk before thinking…
That said, this is not a blog about the perils of being a perfectionist. I’ll leave that post for another time.
Today I instead need to share some info on the marvellous magic of manifesting. For lately, things have been going reinforcing-ly right and I’d love to share what it is that I make a habit of doing.
Over the past week I’ve been reminded of the power of putting your intention out there and then letting it go. That is, surrendering to something much greater than yourself. It’s an active process of being in tune with the universe – it’s a two way conversation. At a certain point in time you have to stop talking and listen, observe and be still.
All year I’ve been looking at planes go over head and I’ve secretly said to myself (or at times out loud while I walk – living in Kings Cross gives me this luxury) that I’ll be on one of those at the end of the year. Now, with taking the plunge of starting a new business, assuming I’d be going on a holiday at the end of the year was a long shot, but sure enough, I put it out there. I asked for help and let it go and violà, like magic, I’m going on a holiday (via a plane) at the end of the year. The planets have aligned to make it financial possible. I’m a little in awe.
‘Ask, believe, act, let go, receive’.
– Mastin Kipp
A HUGE thing I realised recently as well, was that since leaving my part time job over a month ago, I had stopped stressing about having enough clients. It was stressing me out stressing about it, so I stopped. I realised that my constant reaffirming of the number of clients I wanted was in fact sending me into a contracted state. It was making me tense. It made me nervous. It tired me.
So I stopped. I surrendered to knowing that because my intention of wanting to help people was good and true that the universe would hear my intention and reaffirm it with the same vibration. That is, enough clients to keep me afloat, happy and able to flow with what I’m doing.
The results have amazed me. Truly amazed me. I feel honoured and blessed to understand the simple and loving and generous relationship we are born to have with our creator.
I was thrown off kilter a few weeks back when a friend questioned me on my work, on my beliefs and what not. And I thank him for doing so. Cause it made me question it. So much of the way I live is on faith and trust and action. Don’t get me wrong, I waiver at times. I get into my head and I judge myself and I judge those around me and lose faith in the process. I end up feeling little. But then I quickly recalibrate and I realise, my world reflecting back at me is one I’m proud of and it’s due to keeping this faith and sticking by the habits and rituals that serve me.
Intertwined with intentions and surrendering, is gratitude. Oh how I love a bit of gratitude! Understanding the magnitude of being grateful has been one of the greatest turning points in my life.
Giving thanks for what you already have not only makes you feel good but reaffirms to the universe that you acknowledge you have enough. Cause you do have enough. Everything in this moment, everything as you are, is perfect – cause it wouldn’t BE otherwise.
Doesn’t this take the pressure off? It does for me. My mind has this tendency to get caught up with imagining and wishing for things I perceive to not have, which is all good and well, but it takes me away from giving thanks for what I do have. Which, is more than enough.
As I’ve mentioned above, put the intention out there and then surrender. Don’t hold on to wanting what you don’t have. Let it go and then give thanks for what you do have. The energetic pull of doing both of these things results in a reality … a reality that sometimes feels like a fairytale.
Each day I wake and say 5 things I’m grateful for before my feet hit the floor and I do the same before I fall asleep. It’s a nice habit, one many people do. In my core I know that it is this ritual that keeps me on track. When I’m walking the streets, on public transport, or waiting for clients to arrive I take the opportunity to give thanks. It helps me to be present. It helps me to stay connected and grounded. It makes me happy and is reflected in my reality.
Give it a go. It’s easy. And it’s good. It works.
Play with the frequencies of life. Why wouldn’t you? We hold all the power. Whenever we blame this or that for the way we’re feeling or for the way life is treating us we DISEMPOWER ourselves. When we feel we are lacking something you have two options. You can either sit and dwell in the lack of OR you can shift your focus onto what you do have. Notice how you feel when you do both of them. It is this feeling state that is your indicator.
By acknowledging what we are grateful for allows us to move from a vibration of contraction to one of expansion and most importantly allows the universe to participate in the conversation by matching the vibration of our words and thoughts. Take responsibility for these. The evidence will be in your reality.
I live in a constant state of abundance. I trust in you I trust in me for we are one AND I am grateful. I am grateful for my family, for my home, for the coconut juice berry smoothie I’m currently sipping, for being able to walk and run and jump and dance AND for playing witness to the magic of the universe… and I surrender.
This is one version of my commentary in the mornings. Create your own. Use this one. Find what works for you. It’s one of the most rewarding habits you’ll ever create.
Merci beaucoup, c’est très gentil.
Photos thanks to Pinterest http://pinterest.com/clarey22/