Post Archive: December, 2015

Who do you choose to be?

One of the greatest things to come from my recent vacation to rock bottom was a new understanding of identity, boundaries and what these even mean. To set the scene – I was lamenting with genuine fatigue and confusion to my kinesiologist my recent awareness – a pattern I was living out. We were talking about the men of late (men…

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DECEMBER OFFER: Food Coaching with Sally from Your Whole Life.

Your Whole Life December Offer with Sally Murphy Blunt It’s that time of the year again – parties, catch-ups, champagne and food! This can be a really fun time of the year but can also leave you feeling tired and run down, making you susceptible to skin breakouts, digestive issues and weight gain. Sally Murphy Blunt from -‘Your Whole Life’-…

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When the planets do their thing – what to do.

My more vulnerable posts are always met with the warmest, most heartfelt responses. They often take the form of, ‘thank you for being brave enough to write about your experience’, or ‘I feel the exact same way, thank you for sharing’, or ‘you seem to be writing directly to me!’.  I never write or post to get a response. Truly. As I said in my last post,…

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