Post Archive: May, 2013

I have something to admit.

I have something to admit. I’m obsessive. And that’s hard to say. Because … for me, obsessive means that I’m a level above controlling. And I find it hard enough to admit I’m controlling. So obsessive – well it brings up a lot of stuff. Being called on ‘my stuff’ is never pleasant. My ego gets hurt. It gets bruised….

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I’m cranky. Who else is with me?

I was having a super crappy day the other day. I had been out to dinner the night before and as it worked out eaten lots of things I don’t normally eat. To those who are sensitive to food and really suffer from the sugar hangover you’ll know what I mean. For those who don’t understand, I envy you. Believe…

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Looking for someone to blame? Blame your ancestors.

In sessions with clients we clear traumatic/ stressful memories (ie energy blockages) in present time. What we also do is clear energy blockages from where they originated. The subconscious mind keeps these memories stored in order to protect you from future stressful circumstances. When we experience a perceived stress the cells in our body are affected. The cells in our body…

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Notes from the Universe

I received the following note from the Universe; ‘Talking a lot about something that bothers you, Clare, is a pretty good sign that you’ve got something huge and profoundly libertating to learn. Woooo hoooooo. The Universe”. –  It made me laugh. It made me laugh because it’s so true. I catch myself complaining about this or that and I…

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